2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB29 (Conference Report)

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Appropriate Add'l Lottery Revenues

Item 139 #2c

Item 139 #2c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Direct Aid To Public Education FY1999 $0 FY2000 $782,671 GF

Page 147, line 43, strike "$1,051,874,856" and insert "$1,052,657,527".
Page 147, line 49, strike "$317,774,856" and insert "$318,557,527".
Page 148, line 12, strike "$317,774,856" and insert "$318,557,527".
Page 148, line 17, strike "$192,564,419" and insert "$193,041,528".
Page 148, line 44, strike "$2,935,543" and insert "$3,241,105".
Page 148, line 47, strike "$4.70" and insert "$5.19".

(This amendment distributes the additional Lottery Proceeds revenues based on the established state and local split and increases the per pupil amount distributed in this Item to local school divisions by $0.49 in the second year. Companion amendments are included in Items 3-1.01 and 138.)