2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB29 (Conference Report)

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Carryforward-Lottery Funds (language only)

Item 139 #1c

Item 139 #1c

Direct Aid To Public Education

Page 149, line 26, after "year.", insert:
"Any funds for nonrecurring expenses provided to school divisions in the second year from this Item that are unexpended as of June 30, 2000, may be carried on the books of the locality to be appropriated to an escrow account in the following year, pursuant to House Bill 903 and Senate Bill 244 of the Acts of Assembly of 2000."

(This amendment allows school divisions to carry forward any unexpended funds for nonrecurring expenditures from the local portion of lottery proceeds received during the 1998-2000 biennium to the 2000-2002 biennium for deposit into escrow accounts, pursuant to House Bill 903 and Senate Bill 244.)