2000 Session

Budget Amendments - SB29 (Committee Approved)

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GCC - Culpeper Project Language

Item C-18.20 #1s

Item C-18.20 #1s

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Virginia Community College System FY1999 $0 FY2000 ($75,000) GF

Page 517, line 20, strike "$500,000" and insert "$425,000".
Page 517, line 19 strike "&" .
Page 517, strike line 20 and insert:
"Culpeper Technical Center, Germanna (16260)
The State Board for Community Colleges, with the approval of the Governor as otherwise provided by law, is authorized to accept title, at no cost to the Commonwealth, of certain real property described generally as 100 acres, more or less, near the intersection of U.S. Highway Route 29 and U.S. Highway Route 3 for  use by the college in the development of the facilities provided for in this Item in the Locust Grove Service Area."

(This amendment corrects the title of the Culpeper Technical Center project, and the funding for the project. The project had been included with planning for Phase II of the Fredericksburg Campus of Germanna Community College. A companion amendment is drawn to Item C-26.10 of the bill.)