2000 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Lambert
Constitutional Officer Compensation Reforms (language only)

Item 547 #5s

Item 547 #5s

Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations

Page 373, after line 41 insert :
"(3)  A constitutional officer advisory committee comprised of the Secretary of Administration or his designee; the Secretary of Finance or his designee; the Chairman of the Compensation Board or his designee; representatives designated by the Commissioners of the Revenue Association of Virginia, the Treasurers' Association of Virginia, the Virginia Association of Commonwealth's Attorneys, the Virginia Association of Local Elected Constitutional Officers, the Virginia Court Clerks' Association and the Virginia Sheriffs' Association; and staff of the Compensation Board."
Page 374, after line 18 insert :
"6.  With the assistance of the constitutional officer advisory committee, the Commission shall consider and propose reforms to the Compensation Board's constitutional office employee pay plans and to the schedules of principal officer compensation.  In promulgating its recommendations, the Commission shall consider:
a.  Creation of constitutional office compensation programs that provide flexibility to meet the unique needs of constitutional offices;
b.  Performance-based staff salary increases and rewards including the recognition of team performance:
c.  Career development opportunities and creation of appropriate incentives for career growth;
d.  Reduction of the number of, or elimination of the use of, population brackets as the sole criterion for determining principal officer compensation; and
e.  Mechanisms for the periodic assessment of the competitiveness of constitutional office employee compensation vis-`a-vis prevailing rates of compensation in similar public-sector positions, including, by way of illustration, the offices and departments of local government attorneys, United States Attorneys, district court clerks, local and state law enforcement agencies, state correctional systems, and local budget and finance directors.
The Commission shall report its findings and recommendations relating to constitutional office compensation to the Governor and the Chairman of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees by November 1, 2000."

(This amendment is self-explanatory.)