Language Page 369, after line 25, insert:"A. The amounts provided for in this item represent deposits to the general fund which are not otherwise obligated from the Commonwealth's allocation pursuant to the Master Settlement Agreement with tobacco product manufacturers.B. The Comptroller shall apportion the amounts provided for in this item as required by House Bill 1354, 2000 General Assembly session, to wit:20 percent Department of Rail and Public Transportation, for Mass Transit20 percent Commonwealth Health Care Research Foundation20 percent Department of Education, for purposes of School Health programs15 percent Department of Health, for the Comprehensive Health Investment Project (CHIP)15 percent Virginia Health Care Foundation10 percent Department of Social Services, for Healthy Families Virginia ".
Explanation(This amendment appropriates the 40 percent unallocated share of the proceeds of the Master Tobacco Settlement Agreement for the purposes specified, as provided for in House Bill 1354.)