2000 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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View Budget Item amendments

Chief Patron: Houck
Co-Patron(s): Barry, Bolling, Byrne, Colgan, Couric, Hawkins, Howell, Lambert, Marye, Miller Y., Mims, Potts, Quayle, Reynolds, Saslaw, Stolle, Ticer, Wampler, Whipple, Williams
GF for Healthy Families Program

Item 382 #4s

Item 382 #4s

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of FY2001 $2,088,810 FY2002 $3,849,206 GF

Page 274, line 1, strike "$72,084,131" and insert "$74,172,941".
Page 274, line 1, strike "$59,919,871" and insert "$63,769,077".
Page 275, after line 50 insert:
"I.  The Department of Social Services shall continue to allocate funds from this Item, at no less than fiscal year 2000 levels, to the existing statewide office of Prevent Child Abuse Virginia for providing the coordination, technical support, quality assurance, training, and evaluation of the Healthy Families Virginia."

(This amendment adds funds to expand services for at-risk youth and families provided through the Healthy Families program. Language requires funding to continue for oversight of the program.)