2000 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Howell
Community Psychiatric Staff

Item 329 #19s

Item 329 #19s

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Health And Human Resources
Grants To Localities FY2001 $7,675,000 FY2002 $14,375,000 GF

Page 254, line 31, strike "$219,175,719" and insert "$226,850,719".
Page 254, line 31, strike "$219,175,719" and insert "$233,550,719".

(This amendment provides funding to add 50 full-time adult psychiatric staff in local Community Services Boards (CSBs). The additional staff will permit CSBs to reduce delays for psychiatric appointments by reducing the staff to patient ratios from 412:1 to 225:1. Funding for the first year reflects the cost of initial recruitment and phasing in the hiring of the new staff. Funding for the second year reflects the annualized cost of the positions. Rural CSBs could also use the funding for the development or expansion of tele-behavioral psychiatry service provision.)