2000 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Schrock
JCHC-Public Info. Campaign Medicare Plan Options

Item 295 #18s

Item 295 #18s

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Health And Human Resources
Aging, Department for the FY2001 $276,000 FY2002 $277,100 GF

Page 229, line 25, strike "$18,551,442" and insert "$18,827,442".
Page 229, line 25, strike "$18,551,442" and insert "$18,828,542".
Page 230, after line 14, insert:
"H. Out of this appropriation, $276,000 the first year and $277,100 the second year from the general fund is provided to develop a public information campaign, in cooperation and coordination with local Area Agencies on Aging, specifically designed to assist Medicare enrollees understand their Medicare plan options.  From this amount, the Department for the Aging shall provide each local Area Agency on Aging with $10,000 to support the operation of the campaign.  The Department for the Aging shall evaluate the campaign’s impact on Medicare beneficiaries and report the results of its evaluation to the Governor, the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees, and the Chairman of the Joint Commission on Health Care prior to December 1, 2001."
Companion Language Amendment: “Out of this appropriation, $276,000 the first year and $277,100 the second year shall be provided from the general fund to develop a public information campaign, in cooperation and coordination with local Area Agencies on Aging, specifically designed to assist Medicare enrollees understand their Medicare plan options.  From this appropriation, the Department for the Aging shall provide each local Area Agency on Aging with $10,000 to support the operation of the campaign.  The Department for the Aging shall evaluate the campaign’s impact on Medicare beneficiaries and report the results of its evaluation to the Governor, the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees, and the Chairman of the Joint Commission on Health Care prior to December 1, 2001.”

(This amendment provides funds for the Department for the Aging to develop a public information campaign, in cooperation and coordination with local Area Agencies on Aging, specifically designed to assist Medicare enrollees in understanding their Medicare plan options. This is a recommendation of the Joint Commission on Health Care.)