2000 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Crispus Attucks Theater

Item 571 #719h

Item 571 #719h

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Nonstate Agencies
State Grants To Nonprofit Entities-Nonprofit Cultural and Artistic Organizations FY2001 $100,000 FY2002 $0 GF

Page 386, line 5, strike "$11,948,045" and insert "$12,048,045".
Page 388, after line 3, insert:
"Crispus Attucks Theater
             $100,000        $0".

(This amendment provides $100,000 the first year to Crispus Attucks Theater in Norfolk to help complete the renovation of the theater. This is an integral part of the Church Street cultural development program.)