2000 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Route 86 in Danville (language only)

Item 525 #4s

Item 525 #4s

Transportation, Department of

Page 358, after line 22, insert:
"J.  Out of this appropriation in the first year, the Commonwealth Transportation Board is encouraged to  make improvements to Route 86 in the city of Danville at George Washington High School that ensure the safety of the students.  These improvements shall be made in coordination with the Danville School Superintendent."

(This amendment encourages the Commonwealth Transportation Board to fund and improve Route 86 in the city of Danville at George Washington High School so that the students can safely travel between all areas and buildings of the High School including the Langston Focus Center. The improvements are to be coordinated with the Danville School Superintendent. )