1999 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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WQIF Strategies (language only)

Item 427 #14c

Item 427 #14c

Natural Resources
Environmental Quality, Department of

Page 324, line 51, after "Fund", strike "in excess of the amounts specified in subparagraph 1 above" and insert "in the second year".
Page 324, line 53, after "Quality to", insert:
"finance at least 50 percent of the cost of design and installation of biological nutrient removal facilities or other nutrient removal technology at publicly owned treatment works to".
Page 324, line 54, strike "for nutrient reduction".

(This amendment clarifies the intent for use of Water Quality Improvement Funds during the second year pursuant to § 10.1-2131, Code of Virginia, for point source pollution control.)