1999 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Restore Language-Health Planning Agencies (language only)

Item 320 #2c

Item 320 #2c

Health And Human Resources
Health, Department of

Page 253, strike lines 25 through 31 and insert:
"B.  Supplemental funding for the regional health planning agencies shall be provided from the following sources:
1.  Special funds from Certificate of Public Need application fees in excess of those required to operate the Office of Health Resources Development, provided the Office may retain special fund balances each year not in excess of one month's operational needs in case of revenue shortfalls in the subsequent year.
2.  General fund appropriations in this item unexpended at the end of each year of the biennium.  Such general fund appropriations shall be reappropriated for expenditure by the regional health planning agencies in the succeeding fiscal year."

(This amendment restores language from the 1994-96 and 1996-98 Appropriation Acts that directed excess nongeneral fund revenue from Certificate of Public Need (COPN) fees be used to administer the COPN program at the state and regional level and support other health planning functions of regional agencies. The deleted language allowed only unexpended general fund appropriations to be carried forward.)