1999 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Delay in Therapeutic Foster Care-CSA

Item 151 #1c

Item 151 #1c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families FY1999 $3,600,000 FY2000 ($3,600,000) GF

Page 141, line 20, strike "$115,722,676" and insert "$119,322,676".
Page 141, line 20, strike "$127,926,561" and insert "$124,326,561".
Page 141, line 40, strike "78,629,223" and insert "82,229,223".
Page 141, strike line 49.
Page 141, line 50, strike "nongeneral funds in the first year and".
Page 142, line 20, strike "75,221,969" and insert "78,821,969".

(This amendment would move $3,600,000 in general funds from the second to the first year in the Comprehensive Services Act program to cover a shortfall due to the delay in obtaining Medicaid funding for therapeutic foster care services.)