1999 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Administrative Computing Upgrade (language only)

Item 138 #13c

Item 138 #13c

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education

Page 129, line 6, strike "$50,000,000" and insert "$64,000,000".
Page 129, line 12, strike "three" and insert "four".
Page 129, line 16, strike "and".
Page 129, line 17, after "microcomputers" insert:
"; and d) replacement of administrative and student management and information systems supporting data requirements associated with the Standards of Accreditation in school divisions lacking adequate systems"
Page 129, line 18, after "funds" insert:
"from the issuance of $50,000,000 in equipment notes".
Page 129, line 25, after "." insert:
"Grant funds from the issuance of $14,000,000 in equipment notes are based on an average grant of $10,000 per school and $25,000 per school division.  For purposes of this grant program, eligible divisions shall include those which have identified their current administrative and student management and information systems as being insufficient to meet the data requirements of the Standards of Accreditation.  The Department of Education is authorized to contract with one or more local school divisions for the purchase of necessary Department of Education central office systems and equipment.  These central office systems and equipment shall not exceed a cost of $1,750,000.  The Department of Education shall provide the oversight of this program to ensure that only systems which will have statewide compatibility are funded through the program and that the systems are purchased at the lowest cost possible.  The Virginia Public School Authority and the Department of Education shall provide information regarding the parameters of the program, including, but not limited to, requirements for reimbursement eligibility, to participating school divisions by May 1, 1999."

(This amendment provides authorization to the Virginia Public School Authority to issue 5-year equipment financing notes for the purpose of providing funds for the cost of updating the statewide public education administrative and student information management system. The current system was purchased by the Commonwealth for local school divisions 10 years ago. New data-intensive information requirements of the Standards of Accreditation make the current system out-of-date. Approximately 100 school divisions have been identified as having systems inadequate to support the data requirements of the Standards of Accreditation. Further, the amendment authorizes the Department of Education to contract with one or more local school divisions for the purchase of necessary central office systems, in an amount not exceeding $1,750,000. )