1999 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1450 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Dickinson
MWC Land Sale Proceeds (language only)

Item C-75.10 #1h

Item C-75.10 #1h

Education: Higher Education
Mary Washington College

Page 486, line 28, after "thereon", strike the remainder of the line and insert:
"Notwithstanding the provisions of §2.1-512 of the Code of Virginia, all proceeds of the sale of such property, estimated at $1.5 million, shall be deposited with the State Treasurer for use, upon appropriation, by Mary Washington College."
Page 486, strike line 29 through 31.

(This amendment allows Mary Washington College to retain 100 precent of the proceeds from the sale of approximately 72 acres of land, to be used when subsequently appropriated by the General Assembly.)