1999 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1450 (Conference Report)

Surplus Property Conveyances (language only)

Item 4-5.13 #3c

Item 4-5.13 #3c

Special Conditions And Restrictions On Expenditures

Page 533, after line 6, insert:
a. The Commonwealth shall receive the fair market value of surplus state property which is designated by the Governor for economic development purposes, and for any properties owned by an Industrial Development Authority in any county where the Commonwealth has a continuing interest based on the deferred portion of the purchase price, which shall be assessed by more than one independent appraiser certified as a Licensed General appraiser.  Such property shall not be disposed of for less than its fair market value as determined by the assessments.
b. Recognizing the commercial, business and industrial development potential of certain lands declared surplus, and for any properties owned by an Industrial Development Authority in any county where the Commonwealth has a continuing interest based on the deferred portion of the purchase price, the Governor shall be authorized to utilize funds available in the Governor's discretion, to meet the requirements of  § 4-5.13 a. of this Act.  Sale proceeds, together with the money from the Governor's Development Opportunity Fund, shall be deposited as provided in § 2.1-512 c. of the Code of Virginia.
c. Within thirty days of closing on the sale of surplus property designated for economic development, the governor or his designee shall report to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees.  The report shall include information on the number of acres sold, sales price, amount of proceeds deposited to the general fund and Conservation Resources Fund, and the fair market value of the sold property."

(This amendment is self-explanatory.)