1999 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1450 (Committee Approved)

VPI Fort Pickett Land (language only)

Item C-45.40 #6h

Item C-45.40 #6h

Education: Higher Education
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Instructional Division

Page 481, after line 20, insert:
"C-45.40 Acquisition: Fort Pickett Property
The Board of Visitors of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University is hereby authorized to accept the transfer of approximately 1,200 acres, formerly on the Fort Pickett Army Base, through the Department of Education, which will grant to the University a public benefit allowance of up to 100 percent of the fair market value for the property, provided that the University uses the property for recognized educational and research purposes.  At the end of thirty years of use, the property will convey to the University without restriction."

(This amendment allows the transfer of a portion of the Fort Pickett property, which Virginia Tech has leased at no cost from the U.S. Army for the past 27 years for the Southern Piedmont Agricultural Research and Extension Center. Due to the Base Closure Act, the property will be turned over to the Fort Pickett Local Reuse Authority.)