1999 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1450 (Committee Approved)

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Retiree Medicare Choice (language only)

Item 4-6.03 #1h

Item 4-6.03 #1h

Positions and Employment
Employee Benefits

Page 546, after line 33, insert:
"g. State Medicare Retirees who elected to enroll in a Medicare + Choice plan when first eligible for Medicare, or who transferred from a state-sponsored program to a Medicare + Choice plan and maintained continuous coverage in such a plan, shall be eligible to participate in the state-sponsored Medicare Supplement health plan.  If the retired Medicare-eligible employee first enrolled in a Medicare + Choice plan prior to January 1, 1999, the coverage effective date for returning to the state Medicare Supplement plan will be July 1, 1999."

(This amendment allows state retirees that participated in a Medicare+Choice plan prior to January 1, 1999, to elect to receive Medicare supplemental coverage offered under the State Employee Health Insurance Program.)