1999 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1450 (Committee Approved)

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Gen Prov.-Percent of Cost Policy (language only)

Item 4-2.01 #1h

Item 4-2.01 #1h

Nongeneral Fund Revenues

Page 517, after line 35, insert:
"8.  It is the intent of the General Assembly that in-state students at Virginia’s community colleges pay 20 percent of their cost of education, and that in-state undergraduates at the other public institutions of higher education pay 25 percent of their cost of education.  This policy shall begin in fiscal year 2000 with a phased approach that brings the share of cost for in-state community college students to at least 23 percent and brings the share of cost for in-state undergraduate students at the other public institutions of higher education to at least 27 percent."

(This amendment would return Virginia’s public colleges and universities to a policy whereby in-state undergraduate students pay a fixed share of the cost of their education. Currently, the Commonwealth has no policy on the share of the cost of education that should be paid by the general fund or by students, and, due to differences in tuition increases during the early 1990s and limits on tuition, the percent of cost paid by students varies considerably from institution to institution. Restoration of a policy on the percent of cost provides uniformity across institutions. The amendment beginning in fiscal year 2000 would phase in a policy of in-state students at the community colleges paying 20 percent of their share of costs, and in-state undergraduate students at the other public institutions paying 25 percent. This amendment is a recommendation of the Joint Subcommittee on Higher Education Funding Policies.)