1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Additional 2% Salary Increase

Item 528 #3c

Item 528 #3c

First Year - FY1997 Second Year - FY1998
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY1997 $0 FY1998 $23,989,400 GF

Page 347, line 4, strike "$132,457,811" and insert "$156,447,211".
Page 349, line 9, before "this" insert "sections 1 through 4 of".
Page 349, line 9, strike: "2.00%" and insert "4.00%".
Page 349, line 10, strike "29" and insert "25".
Page 349, line 10, after "1997", insert:
", and those listed in section 5 of this paragraph shall be increased by 4.00% on December 1, 1997".
Page 350, after line 12, insert:
"F.  In addition to the special salary increases authorized elsewhere in this act, the base salaries of locally elected sheriffs, Commissioners of the Revenue, Treasurers, and employees of local social services boards shall be increased by 2.00% on December 1, 1997."
Page 350, line 13, strike "F" and insert "G".
Page 350, line 22, strike "G" and insert "H".
Page 350, line 33, strike "H" and insert "I".
Page 351, line 6, strike "I" and insert "J".
Page 351, line 11, strike "J" and insert "K".
Page 351, line 28, after "4." insert "a."
Page 351, after line 33, insert:
"b.  The general fund costs and one-half of the non-general fund costs normally associated with the increase authorized in paragraph E. of this item, for employees of Educational and General Programs at the institutions of higher education, shall be borne by the general fund for the 1997-98 fiscal year."
Page 351, line 34, strike "K" and insert "L".

(This amendment provides for an additional 2.0 percent salary increase for classified state employees and state-supported local employees. Sufficient funds are provided to support the cost of this additional increase for employees of Educational and General Programs at the institutions of higher education entirely from the general fund. It is the intent of the General Assembly that staff make the necessary technical changes to salaries listed elsewhere in the Appropriations Act during the enrolling process to implement the purpose of this amendment. )