1997 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Conference Report)

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Natural Bridge Land Swap (language only)

Item 475 #1c

Item 475 #1c

Public Safety
Juvenile Justice, Department of

Page 309, line 50, strike "1996" and insert "1997".
Page 310, following line 22, insert:
"D. The Department of Juvenile Justice is authorized to enter into an agreement with the federal government for the purpose of effecting a land exchange in order to obtain clear and unencumbered title to the Natural Bridge Learning Center property near Natural Bridge Station, Virginia.  At least 30 days prior to final approval of such agreement, the Director shall notify in writing the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees."

(This amendment authorizes the Department of Juvenile Justice to exchange land with the federal government in order to obtain title to Natural Bridge Learning Center. This amendment also extends the reporting date for a joint subcommittee on juvenile facilities to December 20, 1997.)