| First Year - FY2023 | Second Year - FY2024 | Totals |
Office of Finance | $4,212,409,064 | $3,567,445,007 $3,546,641,628 | |
Secretary of Finance | $1,229,925 | $729,925 | |
257 | Administrative and Support Services | $1,229,925 | $729,925 | |
Department of Accounts | $68,254,836 | $71,841,286 | |
258 | Financial Systems Development and Management | $3,685,099 | $3,685,099 | |
259 | Accounting Services | $9,790,545 | $9,790,545 | |
260 | Service Center Administration | $3,550,555 | $3,656,456 | |
261 | Information Systems Management and Direction | $49,633,077 | $53,113,626 | |
262 | Administrative and Support Services | $1,595,560 | $1,595,560 | |
263 | Language Only | | |
264 | Language Only | | |
265 | Language Only | | |
Department of Accounts Transfer Payments | $2,946,513,852 | $2,264,318,689 | |
266 | Financial Assistance to Localities - General | $585,380,000 | $585,380,000 | |
267 | Revenue Stabilization Fund | $1,127,733,028 | $405,952,425 | |
267.1 | Revenue Cash Reserve | $0 | $289,585,440 | |
268 | Virginia Education Loan Authority Reserve Fund | $194,778 | $194,778 | |
269 | Personnel Management Services | $281,359,934 | $31,359,934 | |
270 | Financial Assistance for Health Research | $1,846,112 | $1,846,112 | |
271 | Personal Property Tax Relief Program | $950,000,000 | $950,000,000 | |
Department of Planning and Budget | $8,497,158 | $8,497,158 | |
272 | Planning, Budgeting, and Evaluation Services | $8,497,158 | $8,497,158 | |
Department of Taxation | $122,746,262 | $122,527,495 $123,455,185 | |
273 | Planning, Budgeting, and Evaluation Services | $4,117,772 | $4,117,772 | |
274 | Revenue Administration Services | $64,669,857 | $64,590,357 $65,518,047 | |
275 | Tax Value Assistance to Localities | $2,281,486 | $2,281,486 | |
276 | Administrative and Support Services | $51,677,147 | $51,537,880 | |
Department of the Treasury | $70,594,062 | $65,103,161 | |
277 | Investment, Trust, and Insurance Services | $54,851,592 | $50,171,610 | |
278 | Revenue Administration Services | $15,742,470 | $14,931,551 | |
279 | Language Only | | |
Treasury Board | $991,805,056 | $1,031,659,380 $1,009,928,311 | |
280 | Bond and Loan Retirement and Redemption | $991,805,056 | $1,031,659,380 $1,009,928,311 | |
281 | Language Only | | |
Board of Accountancy | $2,767,913 | $2,767,913 | |
282 | Regulation of Professions and Occupations | $2,767,913 | $2,767,913 | |