| First Year - FY2011 | Second Year - FY2012 | Totals |
Central Appropriations | $35,060,870 $63,147,846 | $31,597,945 $79,935,263 | |
Department of Planning and Budget | $0 | $0 | |
Central Appropriations | $35,060,870 $63,147,846 | $31,597,945 $79,935,263 | |
465 | Higher Education Academic, Fiscal, and Facility Planning and Coordination | $10,531,880 | $0 $7,863,990 | |
465.10 | Financial Assistance for Higher Education Innovation and Performance | $0 | $50,000,000 | |
466 | Planning, Budgeting, and Evaluation Services | $500,000 | $0 $250,000 | |
467 | Revenue Administration Services | sum sufficient | |
468 | Distribution of Tobacco Settlement | $88,215,046 | $88,359,200 | |
469 | Compensation and Benefit Adjustments | -$4,680,268 | $12,411,455 -$27,327,805 | |
470 | Payments for Special or Unanticipated Expenditures | $1,500,000 $29,586,976 | $1,500,000 $31,903,439 | |
471 | Language Only | | |
472 | Omitted | | |
473 | Miscellaneous Reversion Clearing Account | -$1,005,788 | -$672,710 -$1,113,561 | |
473.10 | Reversion Clearing Account - Aid to Local Governments | -$60,000,000 | -$60,000,000 | |
473.20 | Higher Education Reversion Clearing Account | $0 | -$10,000,000 | |