| First Year - FY2011 | Second Year - FY2012 | Totals |
Office of Transportation | $3,993,298,205 | $4,054,368,580 | |
Secretary of Transportation | $624,426 | $624,426 | |
436 | Administrative and Support Services | $624,426 | $624,426 | |
Department of Aviation | $34,154,877 | $34,154,877 | |
437 | Financial Assistance for Airports | $28,351,475 | $28,351,475 | |
438 | Air Transportation System Planning, Regulation, Communication and Education | $2,850,699 | $2,850,699 | |
439 | State Aircraft Flight Operations | $1,782,826 | $1,782,826 | |
440 | Administrative and Support Services | $1,169,877 | $1,169,877 | |
Department of Motor Vehicles | $217,244,208 | $217,244,208 | |
441 | Ground Transportation Regulation | $153,230,479 | $153,230,479 | |
442 | Ground Transportation System Safety | $5,028,007 | $5,028,007 | |
443 | Administrative and Support Services | $58,985,722 | $58,985,722 | |
Department of Motor Vehicles Transfer Payments | $69,146,529 | $69,146,529 | |
444 | Ground Transportation System Safety | $30,255,029 | $30,255,029 | |
445 | Financial Assistance to Localities - General | $38,891,500 | $38,891,500 | |
Department of Rail and Public Transportation | $346,483,955 | $376,690,898 | |
446 | Ground Transportation Planning and Research | $3,250,125 | $3,314,850 | |
447 | Financial Assistance for Public Transportation | $292,273,380 | $317,229,869 | |
448 | Financial Assistance for Rail Programs | $46,074,000 | $51,187,000 | |
449 | Administrative and Support Services | $4,886,450 | $4,959,179 | |
Department of Transportation | $3,235,896,535 | $3,266,759,967 | |
450 | Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation | $14,441,359 | $14,583,928 | |
451 | Ground Transportation Planning and Research | $40,877,755 | $41,303,737 | |
452 | Highway System Acquisition and Construction | $964,595,264 | $915,309,068 | |
453 | Highway System Maintenance | $1,335,478,463 | $1,387,612,612 | |
454 | Commonwealth Toll Facilities | $51,029,265 | $49,391,288 | |
455 | Financial Assistance to Localities for Ground Transportation | $365,701,177 | $379,800,331 | |
456 | Non-Toll Supported Transportation Debt Service | $233,907,675 | $253,430,015 | |
457 | Administrative and Support Services | $229,865,577 | $225,328,988 | |
458 | Language Only | | |
Motor Vehicle Dealer Board | $2,213,553 | $2,213,553 | |
459 | Consumer Affairs Services | $193,871 | $193,871 | |
460 | Regulation of Professions and Occupations | $2,019,682 | $2,019,682 | |
Virginia Port Authority | $87,534,122 | $87,534,122 | |
461 | Economic Development Services | $5,312,566 | $5,312,566 | |
462 | Port Facilities Planning, Maintenance, Acquisition, and Construction | $64,713,403 | $64,713,403 | |
463 | Financial Assistance for Port Activities | $3,107,625 | $3,107,625 | |
464 | Administrative and Support Services | $14,400,528 | $14,400,528 | |