| First Year - FY2025 | Second Year - FY2026 | | 1 | #1h | HB 1739: Military and Veterans Commission | $0 | $50,000 | | 109 | #1h | EV Rebate Program | $150,000 | $10,000,000 | | 115 | #1h | Virginia Academy of Science and Engineering Increase | $0 | $75,000 | | 124 | #3h | HB1818 - AI-Powered Gun Detection Software | $0 | $242,000 | | 124 | #4h | REACH Virginia | $0 | $725,000 | | 124 | #6h | UMFS CTE Coaches and Internships | $0 | $978,160 | | 130 | #3h | SCHEV - Expand the Pathways Flight Academy | $0 | $1,127,930 | | 130 | #4h | SCHEV - TAG Supplement | $0 | $2,100,000 | | 132 | #1h | SCHEV - Higher Education TeleHealth Pilot | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 132 | #2h | SCHEV - Private College Access to Nursing Initiative (Language Only) | | | | 140 | #1h | CWM - Office of Student Veteran Engagement (OSVE) | $0 | $150,000 | | 151 | #1h | GMU - Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) | $1,400,000 | $1,400,000 | | 153 | #1h | GMU - Tick Borne Disease / Illness Research and Testing | $450,000 | $450,000 | | 200 | #2h | VCCS - NVCC Cyber Range Pilot Program | $0 | $1,000,000 | | 296 | #1h | Increase Funding for Specially Adapted Resource Clubs | $0 | $186,000 | | 314 | #4h | Safety Net Brain Injury Services | $0 | $2,000,000 | | 324 | #2h | Parent Pre-Petition Legal Representation | $100,000 | $410,000 | | 329 | #2h | Kinship Service Expansion | $0 | $425,750 | | 354 | #1h | Virginia Career Works Drone Training Program | $0 | $250,000 | | 371 | #5h | Loudoun Freedom Center | $0 | $3,500,000 | | 394 | #1h | HB 1820 - Virginia Public Safety Communications Infrastructure Fund (Language Only) | | | | 456 | #2h | HB 1738 - Veterans Suicide Prevention Program | $0 | $144,596 | | C-25 | #1h | DCR: James Monroe Oak Hill State Park (Language Only) | | | | 3-5.06 | #1h | Restore Full Dealer Discount Included in the Code For 2 Lowest Tiers (language only) (Language Only) | | | | 3-5.25 | #1h | Include Retirees from NOAA and PHS in Federal Retiree Tax Relief (Language Only) | | | |