2024 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 163 Amendments

First Year - FY2025Second Year - FY2026
Member Request
163#1hNSU - Senator Yvonne B. Miller Internship Program$50,000$50,000
163#2hNSU - Living Wage$0$5,000,000
163#3hNSU - Unfunded Scholarship Authority (Language Only)
163#4hNSU - Work-based On-campus Experience$1,350,000$1,350,000
163#5hNSU - Spartan Innovation Academy$4,000,000$4,000,000
Committee Approved
163#1hNSU - Restore Chapter 1 Affordable Access$1,598,000$1,598,000
163#2hNSU - Repurpose Proposed New Initiative-$388,650$0
163#3hNSU - Senator Yvonne B. Miller Internship Program$50,000$50,000
163#4hNSU - Unfunded Scholarship Authority (Language Only)
163#5hNSU - HAC Affordable Access, Retention and Degree Production$10,000,000$10,000,000
Floor Approved
163#1hNSU - Restore Chapter 1 Affordable Access$1,598,000$1,598,000
163#2hNSU - Repurpose Proposed New Initiative-$388,650$0
163#3hNSU - Senator Yvonne B. Miller Internship Program$50,000$50,000
163#4hNSU - Unfunded Scholarship Authority (Language Only)
163#5hNSU - HAC Affordable Access, Retention and Degree Production$10,000,000$10,000,000
Conference Report
163#1cNSU - Restore Chapter 1 Affordable Access$1,598,000$1,598,000
163#2cNSU - HAC Affordable Access, Retention and Degree Production$10,000,000$10,000,000
163#3cNSU - Repurpose Proposed New Initiative-$388,650$0
163#4cNSU - Unfunded Scholarship Authority (Language Only)
163#5cNSU - Senator Yvonne B. Miller Internship Program$50,000$50,000