2022 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB29 (Enrolled)

Department of Military Affairs

Item 471

Item 471 (Not set out)

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Defense Preparedness (72100)$59,473,057$59,473,057
Armories Operations and Maintenance (72101)FY2021 $12,392,641FY2022 $12,392,641
Virginia State Defense Force (72104)FY2021 $201,217FY2022 $201,217
Security Services (72105)FY2021 $4,880,424FY2022 $4,880,424
Fort Pickett and Camp Pendleton Operations (72109)FY2021 $25,279,130FY2022 $25,279,130
Other Facilities Operations and Maintenance (72110)FY2021 $16,719,645FY2022 $16,719,645
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2021 $2,814,589FY2022 $2,814,589
SpecialFY2021 $1,784,927FY2022 $1,784,927
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2021 $3,178,859FY2022 $3,178,859
Federal TrustFY2021 $51,694,682FY2022 $51,694,682