2022 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB29 (Enrolled)

Mental Health Treatment Centers

Item 327

Item 327

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Facility Administrative and Support Services (49800)$115,728,691$115,558,717
General Management and Direction (49801)FY2021 $51,411,557FY2022 $51,411,557
Information Technology Services (49802)FY2021 $10,511,763FY2022 $10,341,789
Food and Dietary Services (49807)FY2021 $14,355,702FY2022 $14,355,702
Housekeeping Services (49808)FY2021 $8,777,438FY2022 $8,777,438
Linen and Laundry Services (49809)FY2021 $1,701,815FY2022 $1,701,815
Physical Plant Services (49815)FY2021 $21,940,717FY2022 $21,940,717
Power Plant Operation (49817)FY2021 $4,236,837FY2022 $4,236,837
Training and Education Services (49825)FY2021 $2,792,862FY2022 $2,792,862
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2021 $100,571,337FY2022 $100,401,363
SpecialFY2021 $15,093,854FY2022 $15,093,854
Federal TrustFY2021 $63,500FY2022 $63,500

Authority: § 37.2-304, Code of Virginia.

A. Out of this appropriation, $759,000 the first year and $759,000 the second year from the general fund shall be used to ensure proper billing and maximum reimbursement for prescription drugs purchased by mental health treatment centers through the Medicare Part D drug program.

B. Notwithstanding § 37.2-319 of the Code of Virginia, the Commissioner shall prepare a plan to address the capital and programmatic needs of other state mental health facilities and state mental retardation training centers when considering expenditures from the trust fund. No less than 30 days prior to the expenditure of funds, the Commissioner shall present an expenditure plan to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees for their review and consideration.

C. Out of this appropriation, $5,170,000 the second year from the general fund is provided for the costs associated with providing an emergency kitchen and temporary office space at Eastern State Hospital. These funds shall remain unallotted until expenditures are approved by the Director, Department of Planning and Budget. The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services shall seek reimbursement through the state's risk management program, or any other applicable insurance, for any covered expenses. Any balances for the purposes specified in this paragraph which are unexpended on June 30, 2022 shall not revert to the general fund but shall be carried forward and reappropriated.