2022 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 137 Amendments

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Member Request
137#1sDirect Aid - School Construction Grants Program (Language Only)
137#2sDirect Aid - Local School Division Flexibility for K- 12 Compensation Supplement (Language Only)
137#3sDirect Aid - ADM Hold Harmless$11,291,934$21,699,058
137#4sDirect Aid - LCI Hold Harmless$8,395,900$8,563,353
137#5sDirect Aid - Proficiency-Based English Learner Teacher Ratios (SB 156)$13,300,000-$5,400,000
137#6sDirect Aid - Academic Year Governor's Schools SOQ Based Funding Formula$4,119,823$3,896,908
137#7sDirect Aid - Regional Alternative Education (Language Only)
137#8sDirect Aid - Local School Division Flexibility for K- 12 Compensation Supplement (Language Only)
137#9sDirect Aid - Support Position Cap$419,228,053$430,455,472
137#10sDirect Aid - Support COCA Rate Adjustment$49,992,406$52,485,951
137#11sDirect Aid - Support COCA Rate Adjustment$15,687,748$16,578,912
137#12sDirect Aid - Instructional Aides$160,224,573$167,356,987
137#13sDirect Aid - Virginia Literacy Act (SB 616)$36,900,000$0
137#14sDirect Aid - SOQ Revisions (SB 490)$170,725,241$291,191,671
137#15sDirect Aid - Support Position Cap$419,228,053$430,455,472
Committee Approved
137#1sDirect Aid - Supplemental GF Payment in Lieu of One Percent Sales Tax on Food and Personal Hygiene Products-$7,596-$18,760
137#2sDirect Aid - Increase Funding for Support Positions$109,426,176$162,422,175
137#3sDirect Aid - Reading Specialists$30,956,705$31,783,405
137#4sDirect Aid - Compensation Supplement (Language Only)
137#5sDirect Aid - School Construction Grants Program (Language Only)
137#6sDirect Aid - Regional Alternative Education (Language Only)
137#7sDirect Aid - Remove Early Reading Expansion-$31,525,300-$31,564,583
137#8sDirect Aid - Vocational Education Data (Technical)$6,508,492$6,650,418
137#9sDirect Aid - Supplemental Support for Accomack and Northampton$1,999,996$0
137#10sDirect Aid - Remove Accomack and Northampton from COCA-$3,899,195-$3,890,556
137#11sDirect Aid - Update FY 2023 SOL Algebra Readiness-$6,588$0
137#12sDirect Aid - Update Sales Tax for SB 517 Exemption-$574,850-$707,513
Floor Approved
137#1sDirect Aid - Supplemental GF Payment in Lieu of One Percent Sales Tax on Food and Personal Hygiene Products-$7,596-$18,760
137#2sDirect Aid - Increase Funding for Support Positions$109,426,176$162,422,175
137#3sDirect Aid - Reading Specialists$30,956,705$31,783,405
137#4sDirect Aid - Compensation Supplement (Language Only)
137#5sDirect Aid - School Construction Grants Program (Language Only)
137#6sDirect Aid - Regional Alternative Education (Language Only)
137#7sDirect Aid - Remove Early Reading Expansion-$31,525,300-$31,564,583
137#8sDirect Aid - Vocational Education Data (Technical)$6,508,492$6,650,418
137#9sDirect Aid - Supplemental Support for Accomack and Northampton$1,999,996$0
137#10sDirect Aid - Remove Accomack and Northampton from COCA-$3,899,195-$3,890,556
137#11sDirect Aid - Update FY 2023 SOL Algebra Readiness-$6,588$0
137#12sDirect Aid - Update Sales Tax for SB 517 Exemption-$574,850-$707,513