2022 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 129 Amendments

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Member Request
129#1sDOE - Child Care Subsidy Program (Language Only)
129#2sDOE - Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program Expansion Pilot$650,000$875,000
129#3sDOE - Youth Sports Child Abuse Prevention (SB 483)$100,000$100,000
129#4sDOE - Virginia Literacy Act (SB 616)$2,190,000$8,240,000
129#5sDOE - School Library Specialist$115,000$115,000
129#6sDOE - GEER Private Day Schools (Language Only)
129#7sDOE - Child Care Subsidy (SB 529)$50,000$50,000
129#9sDOE - Anaphylaxis Treatment Training$2,000,000$2,000,000
129#10sDOE - Women's Studies Curriculum$30,000$30,000
129#11sDOE - Study on Practice of Requiring K-12 Students to Wear Masks (Language Only)
129#12sDOE - School Health Survey$50,000$50,000
129#13sDOE - STEM+C Standards of Learning (SB 239) $200,000$0
129#14sDOE - Prohibiting Curricula and Instruction with Divisive Concepts (SB 570)$50,000$50,000
129#15sDOE - Virginia Fund to Support Teachers $2,000,000$2,000,000
129#16sDOE - K-12 Athletics $50,000$50,000
129#17sDOE - Public Schools Trades Incentive Fund (SB 628)$5,000,000$5,000,000
129#18sDOE - Model Curricula for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders History$100,000$0
129#19sDOE - Child Care Provisional Employment (Language Only)
Committee Approved
129#1sDOE - Governor's School Study (Language Only)
129#2sDOE - Student Growth System (ESSER) (Language Only)
Floor Approved
129#1sDOE - Governor's School Study (Language Only)
129#2sDOE - Student Growth System (ESSER) (Language Only)