| FY 2021
| FY 2022
General District Courts (114)
| | |
Fund additional district court clerk positions
| ($4,307,758)
| $0
Fund additional judgeship for 19th Judicial District
| ($161,718)
| $0
General District Courts (114) Total
| ($4,469,476)
| $0
| | |
Indigent Defense Commission (848)
| | |
Provide funding for additional public defenders
| ($2,849,044)
| $0
Indigent Defense Commission (848) Total
| ($2,849,044)
| $0
| | |
Virginia State Bar (117)
| | |
Additional funding to hire additional housing attorneys to combat Virginia's housing crisis
| ($1,500,000)
| ($1,500,000)
Virginia State Bar (117) Total
| ($1,500,000)
| ($1,500,000)
| | |
Compensation Board (157)
| | |
Additional funding for Statewide Automated Victim Network System (SAVIN)
| ($600,000)
| ($600,000)
Adjust entry-level salary increases for regional jail officers
| ($2,668,059)
| ($2,910,609)
Adjust salary for circuit court clerks
| ($1,820,339)
| ($1,985,824)
Adjust salary of constitutional office staff based on increases in locality population
| ($260,230)
| ($260,230)
Establish a minimum of three staff in each Circuit Court Clerk's office
| ($358,578)
| ($391,176)
Fund 25 percent of the staffing need in Sheriffs' offices
| ($979,399)
| ($1,113,082)
Fund 25 percent of the staffing need in the Commonwealth's Attorneys offices
| ($1,350,989)
| ($1,433,928)
Fund position to address agency information technology needs
| ($119,775)
| ($119,775)
Provide salary adjustment for Commissioners of Revenue
| ($950,656)
| ($1,037,069)
Provide salary adjustment for Treasurers' offices
| ($821,028)
| ($1,642,054)
Provide technology funding to Circuit Court Clerks' offices
| ($1,000,000)
| ($1,000,000)
Compensation Board (157) Total
| ($10,929,053)
| ($12,493,747)
| | |
Department of Elections (132)
| | |
Increase funding for the salaries of state-supported local employees
| ($2,534,575)
| ($2,534,575)
Department of Elections (132) Total
| ($2,534,575)
| ($2,534,575)
| | |
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (301)
| | |
Enhance economic growth and food safety in the Commonwealth
| ($267,201)
| ($256,701)
Fulfill Virginia's phase III watershed implementation plan
| ($240,021)
| ($185,021)
Holiday Lake 4-H Center Improvements Project
| ($250,000)
| $0
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (301) Total
| ($757,222)
| ($441,722)
| | |
Department of Forestry (411)
| | |
Establish apprenticeship program
| ($51,888)
| ($51,888)
Establish hardwood forest habitat program
| ($154,000)
| ($521,842)
Fulfill Virginia's phase III watershed implementation plan
| ($433,016)
| ($433,016)
Plan for replacement of the agency's mission critical business system
| ($44,250)
| $0
Department of Forestry (411) Total
| ($683,154)
| ($1,006,746)
| | |
Economic Development Incentive Payments (312)
| | |
Provide additional funding for the Governor's Motion Picture Opportunity Fund
| ($1,000,000)
| ($1,000,000)
Support the Virginia Jobs Investment Program
| $0
| ($2,000,000)
Economic Development Incentive Payments (312) Total
| ($1,000,000)
| ($3,000,000)
| | |
Department of Housing and Community Development (165)
| | |
Affordable Housing Pilot Program
| ($2,000,000)
| $0
Establish an Eviction Prevention and Diversion Pilot Program
| $0
| ($3,300,000)
Increase funding for Enterprise Zone Grants
| ($250,000)
| ($250,000)
Increase funding for the Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project
| ($600,000)
| ($600,000)
Increase support for Planning District Commissions
| ($294,000)
| ($294,000)
Industrial Revitalization Fund
| ($500,000)
| ($500,000)
Department of Housing and Community Development (165) Total
| ($3,644,000)
| ($4,944,000)
| | |
Department of Labor and Industry (181)
| | |
Provide funding to support compliance positions in the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health program
| ($1,483,850)
| ($1,483,850)
Department of Labor and Industry (181) Total
| ($1,483,850)
| ($1,483,850)
| | |
Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (350)
| | |
Provide funding to establish a statewide strategic sourcing unit
| ($370,565)
| ($741,130)
Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (350) Total
| ($370,565)
| ($741,130)
| | |
Virginia Economic Development Partnership (310)
| | |
Expand the Custom Workforce Incentive Program
| $0
| ($4,679,613)
Expand the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program
| ($12,500,000)
| $0
Virginia Economic Development Partnership (310) Total
| ($12,500,000)
| ($4,679,613)
| | |
Virginia Tourism Authority (320)
| | |
Increase funding for the Virginia Coalfield Regional Tourism Authority
| ($100,000)
| ($100,000)
Provide funding for Birthplace of Country Music expansion
| ($50,000)
| $0
Virginia Tourism Authority (320) Total
| ($150,000)
| ($100,000)
| | |
Department of Education, Central Office Operations (201)
| | |
Address increased workload in the Office of Teacher Education and Licensure
| ($136,514)
| ($136,514)
Develop the Virginia Learner Equitable Access Platform (VA LEAP)
| $0
| ($7,131,000)
Increase support for Virginia Preschool Initiative class observations and professional development
| ($650,000)
| ($650,000)
Support annual Education Equity Summer Institute
| ($135,000)
| ($135,000)
Department of Education, Central Office Operations (201) Total
| ($921,514)
| ($8,052,514)
| | |
Direct Aid to Public Education (197)
| | |
Active Learning grants
| ($250,000)
| $0
Alleghany-Covington consolidation
| $0
| ($582,000)
Blue Ridge PBS
| ($150,000)
| ($500,000)
Bonder and Amanda Johnson Community Development Corporation
| ($100,000)
| $0
Brooks Crossing Innovation and Opportunity Center
| ($250,000)
| ($250,000)
Chesterfield Recovery High School
| ($250,000)
| ($250,000)
Cost of Competing Adjustment
| ($9,555,229)
| ($9,968,849)
Enrollment loss
| ($2,540,119)
| ($2,102,530)
Expand access to school meals
| ($2,800,000)
| ($1,200,000)
Increase salaries for funded Standards of Quality instructional and support positions
| ($94,731,247)
| ($192,502,898)
Increase support for at-risk students
| ($26,164,313)
| $0
Increase support for Communities in Schools
| ($760,000)
| ($760,000)
Increase support for Jobs for Virginia Graduates
| $0
| ($1,670,000)
Literacy Lab - VPI Minority Educator Fellowship
| ($300,000)
| $0
Maximize pre-kindergarten access for at-risk three- and four-year-old children
| ($35,027,435)
| ($11,122,649)
Provide no loss funding to localities
| ($1,776,174)
| ($1,973,585)
Recruit and retain early childhood educators
| $0
| ($5,000,000)
Soundscapes - Newport News
| ($90,000)
| $0
Support the Western Virginia Public Education Consortium
| ($50,000)
| ($50,000)
YMCA Power Scholars Academies
| ($450,000)
| ($450,000)
Direct Aid to Public Education (197) Total
| ($175,244,517)
| ($228,382,511)
| | |
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (245)
| | |
Add funding for VIVA
| $0
| ($400,000)
Increase appropriation for internship program
| ($300,000)
| ($1,300,000)
Increase funding for Virginia Military Survivors & Dependent Education Program
| ($750,000)
| ($750,000)
Increase funding for Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant Program (TAG)
| ($4,100,000)
| ($7,900,000)
Provide funding for cost study
| ($150,000)
| ($150,000)
Provide funding for Grow Your Own Teacher program
| ($125,000)
| ($125,000)
Provide funding for Guidance to Postsecondary Success
| ($250,000)
| ($250,000)
Provide funding for the Virginia Earth System Scholars program
| ($220,375)
| ($220,375)
Provide funding for Title IX training
| ($100,000)
| ($100,000)
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (245) Total
| ($5,995,375)
| ($11,195,375)
| | |
Christopher Newport University (242)
| | |
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($249,600)
| ($249,600)
Christopher Newport University (242) Total
| ($249,600)
| ($249,600)
| | |
The College of William and Mary in Virginia (204)
| | |
CWM - Graduate Aid (Research)
| ($79,400)
| ($119,300)
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($133,000)
| ($133,000)
The College of William and Mary in Virginia (204) Total
| ($212,400)
| ($252,300)
| | |
Richard Bland College (241)
| | |
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($154,400)
| ($154,300)
RBC - Compliance, Accreditation and Student Success
| ($708,000)
| ($708,000)
Richard Bland College (241) Total
| ($862,400)
| ($862,300)
| | |
Virginia Institute of Marine Science (268)
| | |
Fund saltwater fisheries survey
| ($250,000)
| ($250,000)
VIMS - Graduate Aid (Research)
| ($53,400)
| ($80,000)
VIMS - Manage Aquatic Diseases
| ($225,000)
| ($225,000)
Virginia Institute of Marine Science (268) Total
| ($528,400)
| ($555,000)
| | |
George Mason University (247)
| | |
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($6,945,000)
| ($6,944,900)
Provide additional funding to support enrollment growth
| $0
| ($5,000,000)
Provide funding to support graduate financial aid
| ($53,400)
| ($80,000)
George Mason University (247) Total
| ($6,998,400)
| ($12,024,900)
| | |
James Madison University (216)
| | |
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($1,279,400)
| ($1,279,400)
James Madison University (216) Total
| ($1,279,400)
| ($1,279,400)
| | |
Longwood University (214)
| | |
Develop a 2 2 degree pathway in Early Childhood Education
| ($137,410)
| ($137,410)
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($787,400)
| ($787,400)
Longwood University (214) Total
| ($924,810)
| ($924,810)
| | |
Norfolk State University (213)
| | |
Ensure continuation of Spartan Pathways
| $0
| ($150,000)
Implement academic advising model
| $0
| ($300,000)
Implement UTeach program
| $0
| ($250,000)
Increase storage and expand information technology services
| $0
| ($2,500,000)
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($1,632,200)
| ($1,632,200)
Launch Virginia College Affordability Network initiative
| $0
| ($4,872,765)
NSU - Center for African American Policy
| $0
| ($250,000)
Support First-Day Success program
| $0
| ($75,000)
Norfolk State University (213) Total
| ($1,632,200)
| ($10,029,965)
| | |
Old Dominion University (221)
| | |
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($5,337,000)
| ($5,337,000)
Provide additional funding to support enrollment growth
| $0
| ($5,000,000)
Provide funding to support graduate financial aid
| ($165,800)
| ($248,600)
Support Virginia Symphony Orchestra minority fellowships
| ($250,000)
| ($250,000)
Old Dominion University (221) Total
| ($5,752,800)
| ($10,835,600)
| | |
Radford University (217)
| | |
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($2,538,400)
| ($2,538,400)
Provide funding to reduce tuition at Carilion Campus in Roanoke
| ($2,000,000)
| ($4,000,000)
Radford University (217) Total
| ($4,538,400)
| ($6,538,400)
| | |
University of Mary Washington (215)
| | |
Fredericksburg Pipeline Initiative
| ($386,500)
| ($568,000)
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($470,400)
| ($470,300)
University of Mary Washington (215) Total
| ($856,900)
| ($1,038,300)
| | |
University of Virginia (207)
| | |
Fund Virginia Humanities Curriculum and Humanities Ambassadors
| ($500,000)
| ($500,000)
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($320,400)
| ($320,300)
Provide funding to support graduate financial aid
| ($222,800)
| ($334,200)
University of Virginia (207) Total
| ($1,043,200)
| ($1,154,500)
| | |
University of Virginia's College at Wise (246)
| | |
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($402,800)
| ($402,700)
University of Virginia's College at Wise (246) Total
| ($402,800)
| ($402,700)
| | |
Virginia Commonwealth University (236)
| | |
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($4,638,400)
| ($4,638,400)
Provide additional funding to support Massey Cancer Center
| ($7,500,000)
| ($2,500,000)
Provide additional funding to support the Center on Aging
| ($100,000)
| ($100,000)
Provide additional funding to support the Education Policy Institute
| ($300,000)
| ($300,000)
Provide funding to support the Wilder School of Government
| ($250,000)
| ($250,000)
Provide graduate financial aid
| ($140,400)
| ($210,700)
Virginia Commonwealth University (236) Total
| ($12,928,800)
| ($7,999,100)
| | |
Virginia Community College System (260)
| | |
Fund collaboration with Portsmouth Public Schools' Minority & Women Business Enterprise Advisory Committee
| ($386,746)
| ($386,746)
Fund hospitality apprenticeship program
| ($250,000)
| ($250,000)
Fund Hub for Innovation, Virtual Reality, and Entrepreneurship
| ($1,000,000)
| $0
Fund VWCC Healthcare Programs from RUC Merger
| $0
| ($385,177)
Implement the Get Skilled, Get a Job, Give Back program
| ($36,000,000)
| ($35,000,000)
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($2,271,000)
| ($2,271,000)
Provide funding for health science and technology pilot
| $0
| ($350,000)
Provide general operating support
| ($4,000,000)
| ($4,000,000)
Virginia Community College System (260) Total
| ($43,907,746)
| ($42,642,923)
| | |
Virginia Military Institute (211)
| | |
Core Leadership course
| ($100,047)
| ($103,048)
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($26,800)
| ($26,700)
Math Education and Miller Academic Centers
| ($122,500)
| ($126,000)
Virginia Military Institute (211) Total
| ($249,347)
| ($255,748)
| | |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (208)
| | |
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($1,623,200)
| ($1,623,200)
Provide funding to support graduate financial aid
| ($284,800)
| ($427,200)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (208) Total
| ($1,908,000)
| ($2,050,400)
| | |
Virginia Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Station (229)
| | |
Provide funding to support the Richmond County Extension Agent
| ($50,000)
| ($50,000)
Virginia Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Station (229) Total
| ($50,000)
| ($50,000)
| | |
Virginia State University (212)
| | |
Expand Supplemental Instructional program
| $0
| ($320,000)
Implement Summer Bridge program
| $0
| ($442,350)
Implement UTeach program
| $0
| ($250,000)
Increase undergraduate student financial assistance
| ($1,477,000)
| ($1,477,000)
Launch Virginia College Affordability Network
| $0
| ($4,872,765)
Provide funding for data center modernization
| $0
| ($144,000)
Support Intrusive Advising Early Warning System
| $0
| ($150,000)
Virginia State University (212) Total
| ($1,477,000)
| ($7,656,115)
| | |
Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Research Services (234)
| | |
Increase funding for state match
| $0
| ($1,535,054)
Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Research Services (234) Total
| $0
| ($1,535,054)
| | |
Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation (425)
| | |
Commemoration closeout costs
| ($442,870)
| ($8,702)
Education Programs
| ($491,200)
| ($345,100)
Marketing and tourism promotion
| ($208,000)
| ($245,000)
One-time funding for site infrastructure
| ($167,113)
| $0
Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation (425) Total
| ($1,309,183)
| ($598,802)
| | |
The Library Of Virginia (202)
| | |
Increase aid to local libraries
| ($1,000,000)
| ($1,000,000)
Provide funding for Virginia's Centennial Commemoration of Women's Suffrage
| ($95,000)
| $0
Provide funding to expedite release of gubernatorial records
| $0
| ($400,000)
The Library Of Virginia (202) Total
| ($1,095,000)
| ($1,400,000)
| | |
The Science Museum of Virginia (146)
| | |
Security upgrades.
| ($210,000)
| ($210,000)
The Science Museum of Virginia (146) Total
| ($210,000)
| ($210,000)
| | |
Virginia Commission for the Arts (148)
| | |
Increase support for grants
| ($1,645,886)
| ($2,645,886)
Virginia Commission for the Arts (148) Total
| ($1,645,886)
| ($2,645,886)
| | |
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (238)
| | |
Provide funding for storage lease costs and IT upgrades
| ($400,000)
| ($400,000)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (238) Total
| ($400,000)
| ($400,000)
| | |
Eastern Virginia Medical School (274)
| | |
Provide base operating support
| ($625,000)
| ($625,000)
Eastern Virginia Medical School (274) Total
| ($625,000)
| ($625,000)
| | |
New College Institute (938)
| | |
Provide additional support for staffing
| ($95,000)
| ($95,000)
New College Institute (938) Total
| ($95,000)
| ($95,000)
| | |
Institute for Advanced Learning and Research (885)
| | |
Add funding for staffing
| ($95,000)
| ($95,000)
Institute for Advanced Learning and Research (885) Total
| ($95,000)
| ($95,000)
| | |
Roanoke Higher Education Authority (935)
| | |
Academic student success center.
| ($213,254)
| ($146,356)
Security and safety.
| ($98,817)
| ($47,944)
Roanoke Higher Education Authority (935) Total
| ($312,071)
| ($194,300)
| | |
Southern Virginia Higher Education Center (937)
| | |
Personnel & Technical Training Equipment
| ($293,972)
| ($95,000)
Southern Virginia Higher Education Center (937) Total
| ($293,972)
| ($95,000)
| | |
Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center (948)
| | |
Add funding for staffing
| ($95,000)
| ($95,000)
Provide funding for Rural IT Apprenticeship Program
| ($500,000)
| ($500,000)
Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center (948) Total
| ($595,000)
| ($595,000)
| | |
Southeastern Universities Research Association Doing Business for Jefferson Science Associates, LLC (936)
| | |
Leverage the Center for Nuclear Femtography
| ($250,000)
| ($250,000)
Southeastern Universities Research Association Doing Business for Jefferson Science Associates, LLC (936) Total
| ($250,000)
| ($250,000)
| | |
In-State Undergraduate Tuition Moderation (980)
| | |
Tuition moderation
| ($54,750,000)
| ($25,000,000)
In-State Undergraduate Tuition Moderation (980) Total
| ($54,750,000)
| ($25,000,000)
| | |
Department of Accounts Transfer Payments (162)
| | |
Provide funding for a voluntary deposit to the Revenue Reserve Fund
| $0
| ($300,000,000)
Department of Accounts Transfer Payments (162) Total
| $0
| ($300,000,000)
| | |
Department of the Treasury (152)
| | |
Increase funding for a new position in the Cash Management and Investments Division
| ($100,003)
| ($109,093)
Department of the Treasury (152) Total
| ($100,003)
| ($109,093)
| | |
Children's Services Act (200)
| | |
Increase training funds for the Children's Services Act
| ($50,000)
| ($50,000)
Children's Services Act (200) Total
| ($50,000)
| ($50,000)
| | |
Department of Health (601)
| | |
Add funding and a position for a wastewater infrastructure manager
| ($131,880)
| ($131,880)
Add funding for a data management system for Virginia's Drinking Water Program
| ($150,000)
| ($250,000)
Add funding for building Office of Health Equity infrastructure and capacity
| ($150,000)
| ($150,000)
Add funding for community health workers - two year pilot
| $0
| ($289,168)
Adds positions for the Shellfish Safety Division
| ($168,270)
| ($168,270)
Establish Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program
| ($1,600,000)
| ($1,600,000)
Establish Nursing Preceptor Incentive Program
| ($500,000)
| ($500,000)
Establish Sickle Cell Patient Assistance Program
| ($250,000)
| ($250,000)
Establish the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention Fund
| ($750,000)
| ($750,000)
Fund Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program and Nursing Preceptor Incentive Position
| ($88,914)
| ($88,914)
Increase general fund and nongeneral fund appropriation related to the EPA Drinking Water State Revolving Fund grant
| ($482,400)
| ($482,400)
Increase Hampton Roads Proton Therapy Institute funding
| ($1,500,000)
| ($1,500,000)
Increase support for poison control centers
| ($1,500,000)
| $0
Increase support for Special Olympics Virginia
| ($10,000)
| ($10,000)
Increases in rent for Local Health Department facilities
| ($75,889)
| ($75,889)
Support a position at the Mel Leaman Free Clinic
| ($30,000)
| ($30,000)
Department of Health (601) Total
| ($7,387,353)
| ($6,276,521)
| | |
Department of Medical Assistance Services (602)
| | |
Add Medicaid Adult Dental Benefits
| ($8,743,420)
| ($7,818,096)
Allow FAMIS MOMS to access substance use disorder treatment in an institution for mental disease
| ($307,500)
| ($356,775)
Allow Overtime for Personal Care Attendants
| ($6,399,753)
| $0
Eliminate 40 quarter work requirement for legal permanent residents
| ($879,068)
| $0
Enhance behavioral health services
| ($3,028,038)
| $0
Exempt Live-in Caretakers from EVV Program
| ($507,500)
| ($373,000)
Expand opioid treatment services
| ($421,476)
| ($1,273,633)
Expand Tobacco Cessation Coverage
| ($34,718)
| ($34,718)
Extend FAMIS MOMS' postpartum coverage to 12 months
| ($836,202)
| $0
Fund costs of Medicaid-reimbursable STEP-VA services
| ($486,951)
| ($2,293,826)
Fund home visiting services
| $0
| ($11,750,159)
Fund Managed Care Contract Changes
| ($812,600)
| ($1,014,350)
Implement episodic payment models for certain conditions
| ($75,957)
| ($124,707)
Increase DD Waiver Provider Rates Using Updated Data
| ($10,697,610)
| $0
Increase Developmental Disability (DD) waiver rates
| ($3,639,663)
| $0
Increase Medicaid Nursing Facility Reimbursement
| ($6,794,541)
| $0
Increase Medicaid Rates for Anesthesiologists
| ($253,376)
| $0
Increase mental health provider rates
| ($2,374,698)
| $0
Increase Payment Rate by 9.5% for Nursing Homes with Special Populations
| ($493,097)
| ($506,903)
Increase Rate for Adult Day Health Care
| ($796,755)
| ($833,109)
Increase Rates for Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities
| ($7,599,696)
| $0
Increase rates for skilled and private duty nursing services
| ($6,245,286)
| $0
Medicaid MCO Reimbursement for Durable Medical Equipment
| ($345,621)
| $0
Medicaid Works for Individuals with Disabilities
| ($114,419)
| ($228,838)
Modify Capital Reimbursement for Certain Nursing Facilities
| ($119,955)
| ($119,955)
Modify Nursing Facility Operating Rates at Four Facilities
| ($733,303)
| ($754,247)
Provide care coordination prior to release from incarceration
| ($347,803)
| ($465,440)
Supplemental Payments for Children's National Medical Center
| ($354,766)
| ($354,766)
Department of Medical Assistance Services (602) Total
| ($63,443,772)
| ($28,302,522)
| | |
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (720)
| | |
Adverse Childhood Experiences Initiative
| ($143,260)
| ($143,260)
Alternative Transportation from State Hospitals
| ($150,000)
| ($150,000)
Increase funding for statewide discharge assistance plans
| $0
| ($2,500,000)
Jewish Foundation for Group Homes
| ($89,396)
| ($35,818)
Pilot Programs for facility census reduction
| ($3,750,000)
| ($3,750,000)
Provide additional funds for the Virginia Mental Health Access Program
| ($2,112,194)
| $0
Provide funds for administrative costs of STEP-VA
| ($726,807)
| ($1,222,908)
Train workforce in preparation for behavioral health redesign
| ($129,253)
| ($129,253)
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (720) Total
| ($7,100,910)
| ($7,931,239)
| | |
Grants to Localities (790)
| | |
Expand forensic discharge planning programs in jails
| ($1,400,000)
| ($2,100,800)
Increase permanent supportive housing capacity
| ($5,500,000)
| $0
Provide funds for partial implementation of STEP-VA
| ($19,704,173)
| $0
Grants to Localities (790) Total
| ($26,604,173)
| ($2,100,800)
| | |
Mental Health Treatment Centers (792)
| | |
Add critical clinical staffing at the Commonwealth Center for Children and Adolescents
| ($765,428)
| ($765,428)
Increase funding for safety and security in state facilities
| ($2,299,637)
| ($3,066,182)
Provide for increased pharmacy costs at state facilities
| ($966,638)
| ($966,638)
Mental Health Treatment Centers (792) Total
| ($4,031,703)
| ($4,798,248)
| | |
Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation (794)
| | |
Support expanded facility and projected census growth
| ($536,003)
| ($5,393,750)
Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation (794) Total
| ($536,003)
| ($5,393,750)
| | |
Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (262)
| | |
Align personal attendant services hourly pay with Medicaid rates
| ($99,320)
| ($99,320)
Brain Injury Services
| ($1,000,000)
| ($1,000,000)
Centers for Independent Living
| ($425,000)
| ($425,000)
Dementia Case Management
| ($150,000)
| ($150,000)
Jewish Social Services Agency
| $0
| ($50,000)
Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (262) Total
| ($1,674,320)
| ($1,724,320)
| | |
Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center (203)
| | |
Funding for Vehicle Purchase
| ($80,000)
| $0
Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center (203) Total
| ($80,000)
| $0
| | |
Department of Social Services (765)
| | |
Adjust local staff minimum salary to stabilize workforce
| ($5,592,707)
| ($5,592,707)
Allocate one-time funding for the Laurel Center
| ($500,000)
| $0
Continue Linking Systems of Care program
| ($187,443)
| ($467,116)
Create a driver's license program for foster care youth
| ($100,000)
| ($200,000)
Fund 2-1-1 VIRGINIA contract costs
| ($153,614)
| ($153,614)
Fund adult licensing and child welfare unit licensing
| $0
| ($2,130,394)
Fund an evaluation team for evidence-based practices
| ($801,328)
| ($765,187)
Fund child welfare systems improvements
| ($250,000)
| $0
Fund emergency shelter management software and application
| ($492,800)
| ($154,000)
Fund foster care and adoptions cost of living adjustments
| ($2,262,173)
| ($2,262,173)
Fund local departments of social services prevention services
| ($12,455,329)
| ($8,718,730)
Fund the child welfare forecast
| ($722,339)
| ($722,339)
Fund the replacement of the agency licensing system
| ($2,220,134)
| ($431,638)
Implement emergency approval process for kinship caregivers
| ($75,000)
| ($75,000)
Implement Family First evidence-based services
| ($1,074,500)
| ($1,074,500)
Improve planning and operations of state-run emergency shelters
| ($188,945)
| ($152,117)
Increase TANF cash assistance benefits by five percent
| ($579,950)
| $0
Provide prevention services for children and families
| ($3,410,050)
| ($8,410,050)
Department of Social Services (765) Total
| ($31,066,312)
| ($31,309,565)
| | |
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (702)
| | |
Increase workforce services for vision impaired individuals
| ($1,583,020)
| ($1,583,020)
Maintain independent living teachers for blind, vision impaired, or DeafBlind individuals
| ($397,842)
| ($397,842)
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (702) Total
| ($1,980,862)
| ($1,980,862)
| | |
Department of Conservation and Recreation (199)
| | |
Environmental Literacy Program
| ($170,000)
| ($170,000)
Establish a dam safety lead engineer position
| ($170,758)
| ($170,758)
Increase dam safety floodplain management positions
| ($229,637)
| ($229,637)
Pocahontas State Park New Cabin O&M
| ($152,273)
| ($152,273)
Provide a supplemental deposit to the Water Quality Improvement Fund
| $0
| ($25,410,000)
Provide for preventative maintenance needs at state parks
| ($500,000)
| ($500,000)
Riverfront Park Danville
| ($740,000)
| $0
Support state park operations
| ($556,000)
| ($556,000)
Department of Conservation and Recreation (199) Total
| ($2,518,668)
| ($27,188,668)
| | |
Department of Environmental Quality (440)
| | |
Air Protection
| ($1,386,451)
| ($1,978,451)
Land Protection
| ($1,659,834)
| ($1,659,834)
Water Protection
| ($3,142,973)
| ($8,309,747)
Department of Environmental Quality (440) Total
| ($6,189,258)
| ($11,948,032)
| | |
Department of Historic Resources (423)
| | |
Funding for confederate graves
| $0
| ($83,570)
Provide additional funding and positions for underwater archaeology program
| ($159,479)
| ($159,479)
Provide additional funding for the Battlefield Preservation Fund
| ($250,000)
| ($250,000)
Provide additional funding to support staff salaries
| ($123,360)
| ($123,360)
Provide funding to County of Arlington
| ($75,000)
| $0
Provide funding to increase the Director's salary
| ($15,968)
| ($15,968)
Provide funding to support a cemetery preservationist position
| ($108,337)
| ($108,337)
Department of Historic Resources (423) Total
| ($732,144)
| ($740,714)
| | |
Marine Resources Commission (402)
| | |
Provide funding for a coastal resiliency manager position
| ($78,250)
| ($78,150)
Provide funding for a position in the fisheries observer program
| ($81,795)
| ($57,695)
Provide funding for outboard motors
| ($96,436)
| $0
Provide funding for the removal of a derelict barge in Belmont Bay
| ($250,000)
| $0
Provide funding for unmanned aerial vehicles
| ($18,672)
| $0
Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Foundation
| ($50,000)
| $0
Marine Resources Commission (402) Total
| ($575,153)
| ($135,845)
| | |
Department of Corrections (799)
| | |
Adjust salaries for correctional officers
| ($6,831,121)
| ($7,864,561)
Fund pilot programs between the Department of Corrections and university health systems to provide offender medical care
| ($3,646,925)
| ($5,935,253)
Implement an electronic healthcare records system in all state correctional facilities
| $0
| ($8,935,649)
Provide additional operating funds for Lawrenceville Correctional Center
| ($994,331)
| ($994,331)
Provide funding to study offender medical service delivery in state correctional facilities
| ($500,000)
| $0
Department of Corrections (799) Total
| ($11,972,377)
| ($23,729,794)
| | |
Department of Criminal Justice Services (140)
| | |
Immigration Legal and Social Services Grant Funding
| ($250,000)
| ($250,000)
Increase funding for pre-release and post-incarceration services
| ($500,000)
| $0
Provide funding to expand pretrial and local probation services
| ($1,150,000)
| $0
Provide security grant aid to localities
| ($1,500,000)
| ($1,500,000)
State Aid to Localities with Police Departments
| ($8,628,574)
| ($8,628,574)
Department of Criminal Justice Services (140) Total
| ($12,028,574)
| ($10,378,574)
| | |
Department of Emergency Management (127)
| | |
Provide funding to migrate software and agency-owned servers to the cloud
| ($1,505,760)
| ($1,043,336)
Department of Emergency Management (127) Total
| ($1,505,760)
| ($1,043,336)
| | |
Department of Fire Programs (960)
| | |
Provide general fund appropriation to support one position
| ($24,886)
| ($24,886)
Department of Fire Programs (960) Total
| ($24,886)
| ($24,886)
| | |
Department of Forensic Science (778)
| | |
Fund information technology analyst positions
| ($185,160)
| ($246,880)
Fund laboratory equipment maintenance contracts
| ($248,000)
| ($368,000)
Department of Forensic Science (778) Total
| ($433,160)
| ($614,880)
| | |
Virginia Parole Board (766)
| | |
Provide funding for a part-time release planning coordinator position
| ($42,319)
| ($42,319)
Provide funding for part-time investigators
| ($406,392)
| ($406,392)
Virginia Parole Board (766) Total
| ($448,711)
| ($448,711)
| | |
Department of Veterans Services (912)
| | |
Provide funding for the National Museum of the United States Army
| ($3,000,000)
| $0
Support mental health and benefits positions and fund maintenance and information technology needs
| ($1,045,040)
| ($1,276,753)
Virginia Women Veterans Program
| ($106,139)
| ($106,139)
Department of Veterans Services (912) Total
| ($4,151,179)
| ($1,382,892)
| | |
Department of Military Affairs (123)
| | |
Increase funding for state tuition assistance
| ($250,000)
| ($250,000)
Department of Military Affairs (123) Total
| ($250,000)
| ($250,000)
| | |
Central Appropriations (995)
| | |
Adjust funding for changes in the cost of rent for enhanced security
| ($1,742,906)
| ($2,518,778)
Adjust funding to agencies for information technology auditors and security officers
| ($180,746)
| ($180,746)
Adjust general fund support to agencies for increased internal service fund rates
| ($161,465)
| ($223,189)
Compensation Actions for State Employees and State-Supported Locals
| ($118,087,286)
| ($146,766,525)
Reduce state employee retiree health insurance credit amortization period
| ($3,881,799)
| ($4,050,565)
Upgrade the Integrated Flood Observation and Warning System (IFLOWS)
| ($1,000,000)
| ($1,000,000)
Central Appropriations (995) Total
| ($125,054,202)
| ($154,739,803)
| | |
Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission (191)
| | |
Fund medical expenses for victims of sexual assault
| ($4,708,576)
| ($4,708,576)
Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission (191) Total
| ($4,708,576)
| ($4,708,576)
| | |
| ($687,159,119)
| ($1,048,408,517)