2018 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 141 Amendments

First Year - FY2019Second Year - FY2020
Member Request
141#1hWorkforce Credential Grants$5,500,000$5,500,000
141#2hExpand Military Survivors (VMSDEP) Program (HB 748)$900,000$900,000
141#3hWorkforce Credential Grants$5,500,000$5,500,000
141#4hWorkforce Credential Grants$5,500,000$5,500,000
141#5hWorkforce Credential Grants$5,500,000$5,500,000
141#6hAlternative Financial Aid (Language Only)
141#7hCost to Implement HB 1371$150,000$150,000
141#8hTuition Assistance Grant$1,400,000$7,700,000
141#9hImplementation Costs of HB 11$9,400,000$11,700,000
Committee Approved
141#1hSCHEV Virginia Space Grant Scholarships for Flight Training$100,000$100,000
141#2hSCHEV Cybersecurity-$500,000-$500,000
141#3hCybersecurity Student Loan Repayment Grant Program$500,000$500,000
141#4hWorkforce Grants Technical Language (Language Only)
141#5hRemove Reference to Secretary of Technology (Language Only)
Floor Approved
141#1hSCHEV Virginia Space Grant Scholarships for Flight Training$100,000$100,000
141#2hSCHEV Cybersecurity-$500,000-$500,000
141#3hCybersecurity Student Loan Repayment Grant Program$500,000$500,000
141#4hWorkforce Grants Technical Language (Language Only)
141#5hRemove Reference to Secretary of Technology (Language Only)