2018 Session
Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)
| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 |
Total For Office of Education | $19,405,006,183 | $19,559,403,887 |
General Fund Positions | 18,615.61 | 18,646.48 |
Nongeneral Fund Positions | 41,228.61 | 41,401.74 |
Position Level | 59,844.22 | 60,048.22 |
Fund Sources: |
General | $8,417,267,131 | $8,549,386,079 |
Special | $47,520,936 | $47,627,394 |
Higher Education Operating | $8,714,761,455 | $8,746,933,753 |
Commonwealth Transportation | $2,370,419 | $2,370,419 |
Enterprise | $7,479,910 | $7,479,910 |
Trust and Agency | $733,892,319 | $723,892,319 |
Debt Service | $343,923,009 | $343,923,009 |
Dedicated Special Revenue | $17,927,512 | $17,927,512 |
Federal Trust | $1,119,863,492 | $1,119,863,492 |