2018 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Department of Military Affairs

Item 416

Item 416

First Year - FY2019Second Year - FY2020
Defense Preparedness (72100)$52,568,404$52,568,404
Armories Operations and Maintenance (72101)FY2019 $11,407,207FY2020 $11,407,207
Virginia State Defense Force (72104)FY2019 $201,217FY2020 $201,217
Security Services (72105)FY2019 $4,455,909FY2020 $4,455,909
Fort Pickett and Camp Pendleton Operations (72109)FY2019 $22,775,627FY2020 $22,775,627
Other Facilities Operations and Maintenance (72110)FY2019 $13,728,444FY2020 $13,728,444
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2019 $2,914,589FY2020 $2,914,589
SpecialFY2019 $1,784,927FY2020 $1,784,927
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2019 $1,730,000FY2020 $1,730,000
Federal TrustFY2019 $46,138,888FY2020 $46,138,888

Authority: Title 44, Chapters 1 and 2, Code of Virginia.

A. The Department is authorized to receive payments from localities resulting from reimbursement agreements with the Virginia Defense Force, an organization of the Virginia National Guard. The Department may disburse up to $30,000 the first year and $30,000 the second year from these payments to the Virginia Defense Force. Included in the appropriation for this Item is $30,000 the first year and $30,000 the second year from nongeneral funds for this purpose.

B. The Department of Military Affairs may operate, with nongeneral funds, a Morale, Welfare, and Recreation program for the benefit of the Virginia National Guard, Virginia Defense Force, employees of the Department, family members, and other authorized transient users of the Department's facilities, under such policies as approved by the agency.