2014 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 325 Amendments

First Year - FY2015Second Year - FY2016
Member Request
325#2hConsumer Service Grant Program$400,000$400,000
325#3hAdd Funds for Long-Term Employment Support Services$2,354,394$2,354,394
325#4hAdd Funds for Long-Term Employment Support Services$2,354,394$2,354,394
325#5hAdd LTESS Funds for Individuals with Autism$707,000$707,000
325#7hRestore Funds for Centers for Independent Living$306,866$306,866
325#8hAdd Base Funding for 4 CILs$306,866$306,866
325#9hBackfill Loss of Federal Funds for CILs$306,866$306,866
325#10hExpand Services at Satellite CIL Serving Crater District$178,499$178,499
325#11hAdd Funds for Vocational Rehabilitation Services$1,000,000$1,000,000
325#12hAdd Funds and Define Services for LTESS$505,990$550,990
325#13hBackfill Loss of Grant for Lifespan Respite Voucher Program$400,000$400,000