2014 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)

Department of Juvenile Justice

Item 405.05

Item 405.05

First Year - FY2013Second Year - FY2014
Instruction (19700)$0$21,783,397
Youth Instructional Services (19711)FY2013 $0FY2014 $12,554,925
Career and Technical Instructional Services for Youth and Adult Schools (19712)FY2013 $0FY2014 $4,696,415
Instructional Leadership and Support Services (19714)FY2013 $0FY2014 $4,532,057
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2013 $0FY2014 $19,292,611
SpecialFY2013 $0FY2014 $170,536
Federal TrustFY2013 $0FY2014 $2,320,250

Authority:  § 66-13.1, Code of Virginia.

The Department of Juvenile Justice, with the assistance of the Department of Education, shall complete a program review and staffing analysis to determine the appropriate teaching staffing ratios for the state-operated juvenile correctional centers and local and regional juvenile detention facilities. The review and analysis shall be provided to the Secretaries of Public Safety and Education and to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees by September 1, 2013.