2013 Session

Budget Bill - HB1500 (Introduced)

Virginia Commonwealth University

Item 210

Item 210

First Year - FY2013Second Year - FY2014
Higher Education Auxiliary Enterprises (80900)
     a sum sufficient, estimated at
Food Services (80910)FY2013 $19,489,525
FY2014 $19,489,525
Bookstores and other Stores (80920)FY2013 $3,629,738
FY2014 $3,629,738
Residential Services (80930)FY2013 $29,619,263
FY2014 $29,619,263
Parking and Transportation Systems and Services (80940)FY2013 $19,641,276
FY2014 $19,641,276
Telecommunications Systems and Services (80950)FY2013 $6,374,854
FY2014 $6,374,854
Student Health Services (80960)FY2013 $4,986,245
FY2014 $4,986,245
Student Unions and Recreational Facilities (80970)FY2013 $13,675,015
FY2014 $13,675,015
Recreational and Intramural Programs (80980)FY2013 $9,748,583
FY2014 $9,748,583
Other Enterprise Functions (80990)FY2013 $12,697,577
FY2014 $12,697,577
Intercollegiate Athletics (80995)FY2013 $13,923,903
FY2014 $13,923,903
Fund Sources:  
Higher Education OperatingFY2013 $105,557,384
FY2014 $105,557,384
Debt ServiceFY2013 $28,228,595FY2014 $28,228,595

Authority: Title 23, Chapter 6.1, Code of Virginia.