2013 Session

Budget Bill - HB1500 (Chapter 806)

Department of Emergency Management

Item 398

Item 398

First Year - FY2013Second Year - FY2014
Emergency Response and Recovery (77600)$15,759,909$13,759,909
Emergency Response and Recovery Services (77601)FY2013 $3,141,909FY2014 $3,141,909
Financial Assistance for Emergency Response and Recovery (77602)FY2013 $12,618,000FY2014 $10,618,000
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2013 $2,308,512FY2014 $308,512
SpecialFY2013 $616,602FY2014 $616,602
Commonwealth TransportationFY2013 $869,489FY2014 $869,489
Federal TrustFY2013 $11,965,306FY2014 $11,965,306

Authority: Title 44, Chapters 3.2 through 3.5, §§ 44-146.17, 44-146.18(c), 44-146.22, 44-146.28(a) Code of Virginia.

A. Included within this appropriation is $217,060 the first year and $217,060 the second year from the general fund to cover increasing costs to maintain training programs for the Reservist Program.  The reservist training program is necessary to ensure that department staff are augmented by a sufficient number of properly trained volunteer responders during an emergency situation.

B. Subject to authorization by the Governor, the Department of Emergency Management may employ persons to assist in response and recovery operations for emergencies or disasters declared either by the President of the United States or by the Governor of Virginia. Such employees shall be compensated solely with funds authorized by the Governor or the federal government for the emergency, disaster, or other specific event for which their employment was authorized. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, is authorized to increase the agency's position level based on the number of positions approved by the Governor.

C. The Secretary of Finance, consistent with any Executive Order signed by the Governor, may provide the department anticipation loans in such amounts as may be needed to appropriately reimburse localities and state agencies for costs associated with Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) mission assignments.  Such loans shall be based on the reimbursements anticipated under the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) and, notwithstanding the provisions of § 4-3.02 b of this act, may be extended for a period longer than twelve months.

D.1. Localities receiving reimbursements from the department for Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) mission costs shall reimburse the Department of Emergency Management for any overpayments within sixty (60) days of written notification of such overpayment.

2. Overpayment amounts shall be based on the difference between the amount reimbursed to the locality by the Department of Emergency Management and the amount reimbursed to the Department of Emergency Management by the state requesting emergency aid under the Compact.

3. If the locality does not reimburse the Department of Emergency Management the overpaid amount within sixty (60) days of being notified, the Comptroller is authorized to withhold from any funds to be transferred to the locality the amount overpaid to the locality and transfer such withheld funds to the Department of Emergency Management.

E. Consistent with any Executive Order signed by the Governor, the Secretary of Finance or his designee may provide the department anticipation loans in such amounts as may be needed to appropriately reimburse the department for disaster related costs.  Such loans shall be based on the federal reimbursements anticipated in accordance with the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act and, notwithstanding the provisions of § 4-3.02 b of this act, may be extended for a period longer than twelve months, if necessary.

F. Out of the amounts allocated for Financial Assistance for Emergency Response and Recovery, $2,000,000 the first year from the general fund shall be paid to the Louisa County Public School system for disaster relief and repair and reconstruction of their local public school facilities damaged by the earthquake of August 23, 2011, and related aftershocks.