2012 2

Budget Bill - HB1301 (Introduced)

Item 360 Amendments

First Year - FY2013Second Year - FY2014
Committee Approved
360#1sChesapeake Bay Restoration Fund$307,662$0
360#1hRestore Funding for Soil and Water Conservation Districts$1,000,000$1,000,000
360#2hFriends of the Chesapeake License Revenue Use$307,662$0
360#2sCoastal VA Wildlife Observatory$7,500$7,500
360#3sFunding for Agricultural Best Managment Practices$30,000,000$0
360#3hRehabilitation of High Hazard Dam$258,290$0
360#4hRappahannock River Basin-U.S. ACE Planning$15,000$0
360#4sRappahannock River Gauging Network$22,500$0
360#5hProvide Required Deposit to WQIF Reserve -- DCR (Language Only)
360#5sRappahannock River Basin Programmatic Document$15,000$0
360#6hSouth River Dam #10A Rehabilitation (Language Only)
360#6sSoil and Water Conservation Districts$2,046,840$2,046,840
Conference Report
360#1cFriends of the Chesapeake License Revenue Use$307,662$0
360#2cRehabilitation of High Hazard Dam$258,290$0
360#3cRappahannock River Basin-U.S. ACE Planning$15,000$0
360#4cSouth River Dam #10A Rehabilitation (Language Only)
360#5cSoil and Water Conservation Districts$2,046,840$2,046,840
360#6cRappahannock River Gauging Network$22,500$0