1. This Item authorizes the capital projects listed below to be financed pursuant to Article X, Section 9(d), Constitution of Virginia.
2. The appropriations for said capital projects are contained in the appropriation Items listed below and are subject to the conditions in § 2-0 F of this act.
3. The total amount listed in this Item includes $565,079,000 in bond proceeds.
| Agency Name/ | | Project | Section |
| Project Title | Item # | Code | 9(d) Bonds |
| College of William and Mary | | | |
| Improve Auxiliary Facilities | C-3 | 17934 | $12,000,000 |
| George Mason University | | | |
| Construct Economics Building | C-5 | 17928 | $30,735,000 |
| James Madison University | | | |
| Construct Campus Parking | C-9 | 17941 | $29,621,000 |
| Construct Recreational Center Addition | C-13 | 17953 | $56,983,000 |
| Construct Convocation Center | C-13.10 | 17963 | $88,000,000 |
| University of Mary Washington | | | |
| Refinance Student Housing and Parking Deck | C-13.50 | 17964 | $90,000,000 |
| Old Dominion University | | | |
| Construct Campus Dining Improvements | C-16 | 17946 | $24,766,000 |
| Expand Webb University Center | C-17 | 17947 | $19,945,000 |
| University of Virginia | | | |
| Replace East Chiller Plant | C-21 | 17930 | $28,640,000 |
| Virginia Commonwealth University | | | |
| Construct MCV Campus Parking Deck | C-25 | 17938 | $30,000,000 |
| Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | | | |
| Construct Veterinary Medicine Instruction Addition | C-32 | 17931 | $11,000,000 |
| Virginia State University | | | |
| Construct New Student Union | C-32.50 | 17965 | $35,547,000 |
| Virginia Community College System | | | |
| Construct Parking, Midlothian Campus, John Tyler | C-26 | 17942 | $6,829,000 |
| Construct Parking Garage, Annandale Campus, Northern Virginia | C-27 | 17923 | $16,912,000 |
| Construct Parking Deck, Woodbridge Campus, Northern Virginia | C-28 | 17924 | $23,467,000 |
| Construct Parking Garage, Chesapeake Campus, Tidewater | C-29 | 17925 | $25,893,000 |
| Construct Parking Garage, Chester Campus, John Tyler | C-30 | 17926 | $6,829,000 |
| Construct Parking Garage, Loudoun Campus, Northern Virginia | C-31 | 17927 | $16,912,000 |
| Department of Game and Inland Fisheries | | | |
| Repair and Replacement of High Hazard Dams | C-33.20 | 17970 | $11,000,000 |
| Total for Nongeneral Fund Obligation Bonds 9(d) | | | $565,079,000 |