2010 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 380 Amendments

First Year - FY2011Second Year - FY2012
Member Request
380#1sElectronic Monitoring (Language Only)
380#2sFiscal Impact SB 22$75,804$0
380#3sDOC Recommendations to Parole Board (Language Only)
Committee Approved
380#1sElectronic Monitoring (Language Only)
380#3sDOC Recommendations to Parole Board (Language Only)
380#4sRemove Prison Bedspace Impact-$54,101$0
380#5sReentry Coordinator (Language Only)
380#6sGeriatric Release Facility (Language Only)
Floor Approved
380#1sElectronic Monitoring (Language Only)
380#3sDOC Recommendations to Parole Board (Language Only)
380#4sRemove Prison Bedspace Impact-$54,101$0
380#5sReentry Coordinator (Language Only)
380#6sGeriatric Release Facility (Language Only)
Conference Report
380#1cDOC Recommendations to Parole Board (Language Only)
380#2cReentry Coordinator (Language Only)
380#3cPrison Bedspace Impact-$4,101$0
380#4cPosition Vacancies and Other Reductions-$1,519,095-$1,519,095