Member Request | | |
132#1h | Support for School Construction & Operating (Language Only) |
132#2h | K-3 Primary Class Size Reduction (Language Only) |
132#3h | Textbooks (Language Only) |
132#4h | Change Composite Index Funding Formula (Language Only) |
132#5h | Change Composite Index Calculation | $0 | $2,600,000 |
132#6h | Change Composite Index Funding Formula | $0 | $2,000,000 |
132#7h | Innovation Park Governor School | $150,000 | $326,000 |
132#8h | Eliminate Funding for Driver's Education | -$2,173,000 | -$2,173,000 |
132#9h | Lottery - Block Grant (Language Only) |
132#10h | Eliminate Cost of Competing Adjustment (COCA) | -$76,780,286 | -$90,524,495 |
132#11h | Textbooks Split Fund and Adjust PreK | -$21,375,108 | -$47,367,888 |
132#12h | Required Local Effort Match Waiver (Language Only) |
132#13h | Required Local Effort Match Waiver (Language Only) |
132#14h | Staffing Ratio Waiver (Language Only) |
132#15h | Staffing Ratio Waiver (Language Only) |
132#16h | Fund Composite Index in FY2011 | $29,500,000 | $0 |
132#17h | Fund Composite Index in FY2011 | $29,500,000 | $0 |
132#18h | Fund Composite Index in FY2011 | $29,500,000 | $0 |
132#19h | Fund Composite Index in FY2011 | $29,500,000 | $0 |
132#20h | Reallocation of Basic Aid to Fund Composite Index in FY2011 (Language Only) |
132#21h | Reduce PreK | -$350,000 | -$350,000 |
132#22h | Transfer School Lunch to Lottery (Language Only) |
132#23h | Fund Composite Index in FY2011 | $29,500,000 | $0 |
132#24h | Restore Funding to SW Va Mental Health Institute | $567,744 | $580,271 |
132#25h | Restore Funding to Commonwealth Center for Children | $1,325,081 | $1,369,176 |
132#26h | Transfer Program to Lottery | -$5,700,000 | -$14,800,000 |
132#27h | Transfer Program to Lottery | -$6,870,035 | -$10,287,676 |
132#28h | Transfer Program to Lottery | -$700,000 | -$3,400,000 |
132#29h | Directing Governor to Budget Direct Aid at Chapter 879 Level (Language Only) |
132#30h | Eliminate PreK | -$75,298,000 | -$78,708,000 |
Committee Approved | | |
132#1h | Program Additional Literary Funds for VRS Payments (Language Only) |
132#2h | Technical - Correct SOQ Model for Regional Centers | -$8,655,495 | -$8,790,650 |
132#3h | Technical - Correct SOQ Model for Facility Support Positions | $3,948,237 | $4,025,500 |
132#4h | Additional Lottery Proceeds | -$801,932 | -$801,932 |
132#5h | Technical - Use Fiscal & Contractual Div ADM for 4 Div | -$24,462,496 | -$24,712,213 |
132#6h | Clarify Textbook Language (Language Only) |
132#7h | Correct Language to Cite Appropriate Program Fund Sources (Language Only) |
132#8h | VPSA Technology Grants for FY 2012 (Language Only) |
132#9h | VRS Rate Savings (Language Only) |
Floor Approved | | |
132#1h | Program Additional Literary Funds for VRS Payments (Language Only) |
132#2h | Technical - Correct SOQ Model for Regional Centers | -$8,655,495 | -$8,790,650 |
132#3h | Technical - Correct SOQ Model for Facility Support Positions | $3,948,237 | $4,025,500 |
132#4h | Additional Lottery Proceeds | -$801,932 | -$801,932 |
132#5h | Technical - Use Fiscal & Contractual Div ADM for 4 Div | -$24,462,496 | -$24,712,213 |
132#6h | Clarify Textbook Language (Language Only) |
132#7h | Correct Language to Cite Appropriate Program Fund Sources (Language Only) |
132#8h | VPSA Technology Grants for FY 2012 (Language Only) |
132#9h | VRS Rate Savings (Language Only) |
Conference Report | | |
132#1c | Technical - Correct SOQ Model for Regional Centers | -$8,700,175 | -$8,790,845 |
132#2c | Technical - Correct SOQ Model for Facility Support Positions | $3,942,340 | $4,025,584 |
132#3c | Technical - Use Fiscal & Contractual Div ADM for 4 Div | -$24,458,371 | -$24,712,726 |
132#4c | Clarify Textbook Language (Language Only) |
132#5c | Correct Language to Cite Appropriate Program Fund Sources (Language Only) |
132#6c | DOE - Reducing Required Reports (Language Only) |
132#7c | Use 2010-12 Composite Index for FY 2011 | $29,468,132 | $0 |
132#8c | Composite Index Hold Harmless | $116,477,529 | $57,599,781 |
132#9c | Restore VPSA Technology Grants | $0 | $13,488,572 |
132#10c | Mod. Federal Deduct for Percent Funded Support Costs | -$16,980,132 | -$17,028,693 |
132#11c | Program Additional Literary Funds for VRS Payments (Language Only) |
132#12c | Include Zero Values for Non-personnal & Transportation for LWA in Support Costs | -$39,197,951 | -$39,525,220 |
132#13c | Eliminate Staff Travel Costs | -$14,439,393 | -$14,617,019 |
132#14c | Eliminate Leases, Rental & Facility Costs | -$20,221,733 | -$20,206,203 |
132#15c | Correct Dinwiddie LCI | -$85,855 | -$93,941 |
132#16c | Restore CCCA | $1,419,620 | $1,935,292 |
132#17c | Update School Bus Replacement | -$9,758,835 | -$9,619,372 |
132#18c | Innovation Park Governor's School | $161,360 | $325,316 |
132#19c | VRS Rates | -$188,992,393 | -$156,822,961 |
132#20c | Lottery: Forecast, Sch. Breakfast, PreK, K-3 Class Size, Enrollment Loss, Sch. Constr/Op. Costs | -$82,256,683 | -$72,514,188 |
132#21c | Textbooks | -$15,572,268 | -$18,487,237 |
132#22c | Staffing Flexibility (Language Only) |