Authority: Title 10.1, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 4.1, and 17; Title 18.2, Chapters 1 and 5; Title 19.2, Chapters 1, 5, and 7, Code of Virginia.
A.1. Out of the amount for Financial Assistance for Recreational Development shall be paid for the operation and maintenance of Breaks Interstate Park, an amount not to exceed $181,687 the first year and $181,687 the second year from the general fund.
2. The Breaks Interstate Park Commission shall submit an annual audit of a fiscal and compliance nature of its accounts and transactions to the Auditor of Public Accounts, the Director of the Department of Conservation and Recreation, and the Director, Department of Planning and Budget.
3. The Breaks Interstate Park Commission shall, following the modernization of the Breaks Interstate Park electrical system, enter into negotiations to transfer control of the electrical system serving the park to a local regional electric utility.
B. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 10.1-202, Code of Virginia, amounts deposited to the Conservation and Resources Fund may be used for a program of in-state travel advertising. Such travel advertising shall feature Virginia State Parks and the localities or regions in which the parks are located. To the extent possible the department shall enter into cooperative advertising agreements with the Virginia Tourism Authority and local entities to maximize the effectiveness of expenditures for advertising. The department is further authorized to enter into a cooperative advertising agreement with the Virginia Association of Broadcasters.
C. Included in the amount for Preservation of Open-Space Lands is $1,752,750 the first year and $1,752,750 the second year from the general fund for the operating expenses of the Virginia Outdoors Foundation (Title 10.1, Chapter 18, Code of Virginia).
D. Included in the amount for Preservation of Open Space Lands is $1,000,000 the first year and $1,000,000 the second year from the general fund to be deposited into the Virginia Land Conservation Fund, § 10.1-1020, Code of Virginia.
E.1. The Director, Department of Conservation and Recreation, is authorized to develop a state directory of Cultural Historic Sites. The directory shall recognize commemorative and historic facilities and sites that interpret significant aspects of national, state, or regional cultural history. Sites included in the directory shall not be owned or operated by state agencies. The department is authorized to develop qualification criteria and application materials that may be necessary to implement the registry program. Such criteria may be adopted by the director after considering the recommendations of the Board of Conservation and Recreation.
2. Owners or managers of a potential commemorative or historic facility desiring to be included on the directory of Cultural Sites shall submit an application to the department. The director shall evaluate whether the facility or site qualifies for inclusion in the directory, in consultation with the Department of Historic Resources, the Virginia Tourism Authority, and other state and federal agencies as needed, and the director shall present candidates to the board for its recommendation.
3. Upon the favorable recommendation of the board, the director may designate a facility or site for inclusion in the directory with the Governor's written consent.
4. The department shall maintain the directory of commemorative or historic facilities and sites on its website and encourage promotion of those facilities or sites.