2009 Session
Budget Bill - HB1600 (Introduced)
| First Year - FY2009 | Second Year - FY2010 |
Total For Office of Agriculture and Forestry | $90,276,144 $87,064,000 | $90,772,124 $88,348,062 |
General Fund Positions | 587.76 558.46 | 587.76 527.08 |
Nongeneral Fund Positions | 276.62 289.92 | 276.62 294.92 |
Position Level | 864.38 848.38 | 864.38 822.00 |
Fund Sources: |
General | $51,262,956 $47,605,847 | $51,758,936 $46,284,757 |
Special | $13,780,513 $13,966,419 | $13,780,513 $14,120,674 |
Trust and Agency | $5,399,371 $5,482,101 | $5,399,371 $5,546,581 |
Dedicated Special Revenue | $9,488,754 $9,665,083 | $9,488,754 $9,776,500 |
Federal Trust | $10,344,550 | $10,344,550 $12,619,550 |