2009 Session

Budget Bill - SB850 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Virginia Information Technologies Agency

Item 433

Item 433

First Year - FY2009Second Year - FY2010
Information Technology Planning and Quality Control (82800)$2,283,715$2,283,715
Technology Management Oversight Services (82801)
Information Technology Investment Management Oversight Services (82801)
FY2009 $2,283,715FY2010 $2,283,715
Enterprise Development Services (82803)FY2009 $0FY2010 $2,874,196
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2009 $2,283,715FY2010 $2,283,715
SpecialFY2009 $0FY2010 $1,770,000

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 20.1, Code of Virginia.

A.1. Effective July 1, 2009, the Virginia Enterprise Applications Program Office will cease as an agency and the activities will become effective as a division under this program. 

2. Effective July 1, 2009, the service areas for Procurement and Contracting Services and Web Development and Support Services will cease under the Administrative and Support Services program and all activities will operate under this program.

3. Effective July 1, 2009, the amounts provided in this Item include funding for projects currently under the  Virginia Enterprise Applications Program Division (VEAP).  On this date, the Commonwealth Chief Applications Office and the Deputy Chief Information Officer (DCIO) for applications and contract services is established.  VEAP and the Commonwealth Chief Applications Office shall be headed by the Deputy Chief Information Officer/Chief Applications Officer (DCIO/CAO).  The DCIO/CAO, formerly the VEAP Office director, was selected by the Governor to serve under a six-year contract.   The DCIO/CAO shall report functionally to the Chief Information Officer and operationally to the Governor.   The DCIO/CAO will lead a team of multi-disciplinary resources, both agency operations and technology, thus the need for the dual reporting structure.  This multi-disciplinary approach recognizes the importance of applications in the execution of the Commonwealth's agency operations processes. 

4a. The DCIO/CAO shall have all the powers necessary to direct the Commonwealth's efforts to modernize and oversee the planning, development, implementations, improvements and retirements of agency applications; to include the authority to hire staff necessary to support the DCIO/CAO Office.  

b. Office of the DCIO/CAO responsibilities shall include but are not limited to: (a) data management including data standards; (b) application portfolio management; (c) application support services for agencies; (d) policy, practice and architecture;  (e) IT project management oversight; (f) procurement and contracting services; (g) approval and oversight for agency application IT expenditures; (h) Commonwealth portal management; and (i) customer account management.

5.a. Agencies and institutions shall comply with the directives and requirements established by the DCIO/CAO.

b. On July 1 and January 1 of each year, the DCIO/CAO shall report and recommend to the Chief Information Officer and the Information Technology Investment Board, the processes reviewed and the data standards established which merit adoption as part of § 2.2-2458, Code of Virginia. All agencies and institutions shall cooperate with the DCIO/CAO in implementing the data standards, managing and modernizing the application portfolio, developing the enterprise architecture, and improving portal collaboration.  The DCIO/CAO shall report, every six months to the Governor and the Information Technology Investment Board, progress in these areas and any agencies and institutions that have not cooperated with the implementation.

c. The DCIO/CAO shall facilitate and collaborate with agencies to provide necessary,  efficient and secure business functionality and enhancements which assist agencies in the execution of their business processes and requirements. 

d. For agencies whose enterprise applications management efforts are the responsibility of the DCIO/CAO, the DCIO/CAO shall have responsibility for operational decisions relative to the enterprise applications efforts.

6. Legislative, judicial, independent agencies, and institutions of higher education shall work cooperatively with the DCIO/CAO.

B. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law except the limitations imposed by § 2.2-518, § 2.2-4803 and § 2.2-4806, Code of Virginia, Executive Department agencies and institutions may enter into management agreements with CGI Technologies & Solutions, Inc. (CGI) for debt collection and cost recovery services pursuant to Statements of Work 6 and 7 of the Enterprise Applications Master Services Agreement between the Commonwealth of Virginia and CGI.  Work on enhanced collections and recoveries shall not proceed if they commit the Commonwealth to expanding or significantly altering any existing federal or state program without the review and approval of the Governor and General Assembly.

2. Moneys resulting from enhanced collections and cost recoveries pursuant to this Item shall be held in the Virginia Technology Infrastructure Fund as established by § 2.2-2023, Code of Virginia.

C. Nothing in this Item shall prevent Executive Department agencies or institutions from committing resources to support the coordinated efforts of the DCIO/CAO.  Such agency commitments shall be detailed in the DCIO/CAO's quarterly reports to the Information Technology Investment Board.

D. Effective July 1, 2009, the working capital advance established for the Virginia Enterprise Applications Program Office (VEAP) is hereby brought forward to this program to cover up to $30,000,000 for expenditures from anticipated revenues from enhanced collections and cost recoveries to be collected pursuant to this Item and will be deposited to the Virginia Technology Infrastructure Fund.  The repayments of any such working capital advance shall be made from such enhanced collections and cost recoveries.  No funds derived from this working capital advance shall be expended without the prior budget approval of the Information Technology Investment Board and the Secretary of Finance.  The DCIO/CAO shall inform the Governor, the Chairmen of the House Appropriations, House Finance, and Senate Finance Committees of the anticipated use.

E. The Department of Planning and Budget shall not take any administrative actions to reduce these amounts without notification to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees.