2009 Session

Budget Bill - SB850 (Introduced)

Department of Veterans Services

Item 424

Item 424

First Year - FY2009Second Year - FY2010
State Health Services (43000)$28,535,091$28,535,091
Veterans Care Center Operations (43013)FY2009 $28,535,091FY2010 $28,535,091
Fund Sources:  
SpecialFY2009 $26,560,091FY2010 $26,560,091
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2009 $75,000FY2010 $75,000
Federal TrustFY2009 $1,900,000FY2010 $1,900,000

Authority: § 51.5-73, Code of Virginia; P.L. 93-112, Federal Code.

The anticipation loan authorized in Chapter 847, 2008 Acts of Assembly, for up to $2,200,000 with no interest for operational costs for the Sitter & Barfoot Veterans Care Center is to be paid back by June 30, 2010 from nongeneral funds received for services rendered.