2009 Session

Budget Bill - SB850 (Introduced)

Marine Resources Commission

Item 379

Item 379

First Year - FY2009Second Year - FY2010
Administrative and Support Services (59900)$1,704,959$1,704,959
General Management and Direction (59901)FY2009 $1,704,959FY2010 $1,704,959
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2009 $1,622,459FY2010 $1,622,459
SpecialFY2009 $82,500FY2010 $82,500

Authority: Title 28.2, Chapters 1 and 2, Code of Virginia.

A. The Marine Resources Commission shall recover the cost of reproduction, plus a reasonable fee per record, from persons or organizations requesting copies of computerized lists of licenses issued by the Commission.

B. From the amounts collected pursuant to § 28.2-200 et seq., Code of Virginia, and deposited into the Virginia Marine Products Fund (§ 3.1-684.63, Code of Virginia), the Marine Resources Commission may retain $10,000 the first year and $10,000 the second year for the administrative cost of issuing gear licenses.