2009 Session

Budget Bill - HB1600 (Introduced)

Department of Transportation

Item 457

Item 457

First Year - FY2009Second Year - FY2010
Commonwealth Toll Facilities (60600)$119,040,847$121,388,148
Toll Facility Acquisition and Construction (60601)FY2009 $47,276,554FY2010 $51,690,713
Toll Facility Debt Service (60602)FY2009 $16,343,950FY2010 $13,232,600
Toll Facility Maintenance and Operation (60603)FY2009 $30,580,401FY2010 $31,557,770
Toll Facilities Revolving Fund (60604)FY2009 $24,839,942FY2010 $24,907,065
Fund Sources:  
Commonwealth TransportationFY2009 $24,839,942FY2010 $24,907,065
Trust and AgencyFY2009 $7,147,815FY2010 $7,241,194
Debt ServiceFY2009 $87,053,090FY2010 $89,239,889

Authority: §§ 33.1-23.03:1 and 33.1-267 through 33.1-295, Code of Virginia.

A. Included in this Item are funds for the installation and implementation of a statewide Electronic Toll Customer Service/Violation Enforcement System.

B. Funds as appropriated are provided for other toll facility initiatives as needed during the biennium including but not limited to funding activities to advance projects pursuant to the Public-Private Transportation Act.

C. Funds as appropriated may be used for a one-time final grant payment to the appropriate entity for maintenance of a publicly operated toll facility not owned and operated by the Commonwealth that has received in fiscal year 2007 financial assistance for maintenance or that under agreement the Department provided maintenance services in order for such facility to begin paying all of its maintenance expenses from sources other than Commonwealth Transportation Funds no later than July 1, 2009.