2009 Session

Budget Bill - HB1600 (Introduced)

Virginia Information Technologies Agency

Item 431

Item 431

First Year - FY2009Second Year - FY2010
Information Systems Management and Direction (71100)$1,302,859$1,302,859
Geographic Information Access Services (71105)FY2009 $1,302,859FY2010 $1,302,859
Fund Sources:  
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2009 $1,302,859FY2010 $1,302,859

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 20.1, Code of Virginia.

A.1. All state and nonstate agencies receiving an appropriation in Part 1 shall comply with the guidelines and related procedures issued by Virginia Information Technologies Agency for effective management of geographic information systems in the Commonwealth.

2. All state and nonstate agencies identified in paragraph A 1 that have a geographic information system, shall assist the department by providing any requested information on the systems including current and planned expenditures and activities, and acquired resources.

3. The State Corporation Commission, Virginia Employment Commission, the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, and other nongeneral fund agencies are encouraged to use their own fund sources for the acquisition of hardware and development of data for the spatial data library in the Virginia Geographic Information Network.

B. The Virginia Information Technologies Agency, through its Geographic Information Network Division (VGIN), or its counterpart, shall acquire on a four-year cycle high-resolution digital orthophotography of the land base of Virginia pursuant to VGIN's Virginia Base Mapping Program (VBMP) and digital road centerline files. VGIN shall administer the maintenance of the VBMP and appropriate addressing and standardized attribution in collaboration with local governments.  All digital orthophotography, Digital Terrain Models and ancillary data produced by the VBMP, but not including digital road centerline files, shall be the property of the Commonwealth of Virginia and administered by VGIN. The VGIN, or its counterpart, will be responsible for protecting the data through appropriate license agreements and establishing appropriate terms, conditions, charges and any limitations on use of the data. VGIN will license the data at no charge (other than media / transfer costs) to Virginia governmental entities or their agents. Such data shall not be subject to release by such entities under the Freedom of Information Act or similar laws. VGIN in its discretion may release certain data by posting to the Internet. Distribution of the data for commercial or private use or to users outside the Commonwealth will be the sole responsibility of VGIN or its agent(s) and shall require payment of a license fee to be determined by VGIN. All fees collected as a result will be added to the GIS Fund as established in the Code of Virginia § 2.2-2028. Collected fees and grants are hereby appropriated for future data updates or to cover the costs of existing digital ortho acquisition or for other purposes authorized in § 2.2-2028.