2009 Session

Budget Bill - HB1600 (Introduced)

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Virginia Community College System

Item 216

Item 216

First Year - FY2009Second Year - FY2010
Economic Development Services (53400)$50,706,819$49,895,129
Apprenticeship Program (53409)FY2009 $1,044,500FY2010 $1,044,500
Management of Workforce Development Program Services (53427)FY2009 $49,662,319FY2010 $48,850,629
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2009 $1,044,500FY2010 $1,044,500
Higher Education OperatingFY2009 $49,662,319FY2010 $48,850,629

A. Out of this appropriation, $49,623,319 and 38 positions the first year, and $48,850,629 and 38 positions the second year from nongeneral funds is provided for the administration and implementation of workforce development programs as part of the federal Workforce Investment Act.

B. Out of this appropriation, an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 from nongeneral funds and based on a budget approved by the Virginia Workforce Council shall be made available to support the provisions of House Bill 1526 and Senate Bill 756, Chapters 243 and 679, 2008 Session of the General Assembly.

C. Out of this appropriation, $271,932 the second year from the general fund is for the first of three annual payments totaling $815,796 for the master equipment lease program for the purchase of equipment for the workforce development program.